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Ripping Textures from New Super Mario Bros. Wii
(Looking for the model ripping project? It's right here.)

Aside from ripping models from New Super Mario Bros. Wii, I'm also going to rip textures from it as well.
(This project's progress will move a lot faster than the model ripping project, but it will still take time.)

And to start things off, here's a few of my most recent texture rips:

Current Progress:

What's already ripped:
(Sections that are complete are marked with a ✔.)
If you can't handle the heat.
You can't handle the Neutron Style.
Thanked by: Alefy San

Messages In This Thread
Ripping Textures from New Super Mario Bros. Wii - by DogToon64 - 05-24-2021, 08:29 PM

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