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[TUTORIAL] Model Ripping Guide For Beginners (.BRRES Format) [Updated: 8/5/2012]
@John2k4: The file is 3.72GB. I suppose 'crash' is exagerrating/poor wording on my part - It just opens up a black screen and refuses to let the game load.

But in better news - einstein95, thanks for the links - I've managed to extract the files. It seems as though EM2 has some awkward file naming going on, but I have managed to find some models that are of interest (including Ortensia).
I've loaded them in in NIFtools, but I receive the error:

""array Strings much too large. 1970432366 bytes requested""
""failed to load file header (version 14060500,""

After a quick search, it looks like as though header isn't fully supported yet? Before I tackle this, am I right to believe reinstalling Blender and trying to import the nif file there won't work either (my version of Blender doesn't yet support nif files)?

Either way, a huge thanks to you all for helping me with this!
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RE: [TUTORIAL] Model Ripping Guide For Beginners (.BRRES Format) [Updated: 8/5/2012] - by RadSpyro - 10-01-2013, 07:55 PM

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