General Ripping
- Why do we still have to separate UV channels by mesh on new models? (1 Reply)
- Bodukai 3 character artwork Dragon Universe location (0 Replies)
- (3DS) A texture that displays on the model but can't be found in the texture list (5 Replies)
- Bodukai 3 Data_USA.afs errors/ Need help extracting a certain AFS file (1 Reply)
- Switch - Peach Ball Senran Kagura *Cat.Tzp Files (1 Reply)
- Help Extracting Luigi's Mansion Models (0 Replies)
- Mario Party: The Top 100 font (2 Replies)
- Need Help Ripping Level 5 3DS titles (0 Replies)
- Well, submitting these sprites is gonna take up the entire year (1 Reply)
- Sprite Ripping Help? (2 Replies)
- Help ripping DS with Mac (6 Replies)
- noob question about sprites (2 Replies)
- How Do I Extract Models From Iso? (5 Replies)
- UNDER NIGHT INBIRTH ExeLatest decrypting files (3 Replies)
- Fatal Frame 5 Models (0 Replies)
- Armor digiegg (1 Reply)
- Ripping Pokemon X/Y Overworld animations? (0 Replies)
- Help with confusing sprites (3 Replies)
- Luigi's mansion 3ds remake (1 Reply)
- Can't locate a games files in my tablet (0 Replies)