Gaming Discussion
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- What game is this thread (2 Replies)
- Klonoa's webcomic to be drawn by Megaman Megamix's Illustrator (4 Replies)
- Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Title Pending) speculation thread (165 Replies)
- Deadpool the game (10 Replies)
- First Jet Set Radio gets re-released and now NiGHTS. (16 Replies)
- Tribes Ascend (13 Replies)
- Things games should have, but don't (76 Replies)
- Best unused graphics and features of games. (58 Replies)
- Project X Zone (16 Replies)
- Sonic Adventure 2 coming to XBLA and PSN. (37 Replies)
- Want The Wii U For Christmas? (32 Replies)
- Remakes, Reimaginings and Reboots (98 Replies)
- Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis... for GBA. (3 Replies)
- World of Goo controlled with XBox 360 Kinect (2 Replies)
- Nintendo 3DS XL (2 Replies)
- I want to play [Neotokyo°] with you (9 Replies)
- Your Own Video Game (1 Reply)
- New Super Mario Bros. 2 (248 Replies)
- Steam Weekend Deals Topic/Account Sharing (115 Replies)
- skyward sword hearts (7 Replies)