Gaming Discussion
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- So I dug up my old PS1! (20 Replies)
- Kid Icarus Uprising (31 Replies)
- Saddest videogame moments (43 Replies)
- Blitz Sonic! (5 Replies)
- resi evil 6 (2 Replies)
- FEZ (19 Replies)
- Sonic 2 HD (92 Replies)
- Mother 3: "Let's Play" or just play it myself? (12 Replies)
- Super Mario Bros. Crossover (47 Replies)
- Mightier (0 Replies)
- TOKYO JUNGLE- Animal Survival Game? (1 Reply)
- Next Xbox - No Disc Drive? (59 Replies)
- Best Final Boss Themes? (14 Replies)
- The state of UK Games retailers. (2 Replies)
- Favorite sonic game characters (99 Replies)
- Street Fighter X tekken. (79 Replies)
- Non Existing Video Games You Would Love To Have (403 Replies)
- If there was that one video game character you could punch... (35 Replies)
- Mega Man 8-bit DeathMatch (3 Replies)
- how have your tastes changed (32 Replies)