Gaming Discussion
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- Kratos in Soul Cal Broken Destiny (!!!) (18 Replies)
- E3 2009 Floor Roundup (16 Replies)
- Pokemon Scramble (21 Replies)
- FF4- The After Years (4 Replies)
- 500 WII POINTS LEFT! (17 Replies)
- Prototype (3 Replies)
- Mario Galaxy 2, NSMB Wii, Mario vs. DK 3 and WarioWare: DIY (3 Replies)
- The new MGS starring Raiden...on the...360? (39 Replies)
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (12 Replies)
- E3 2009 - small announcements (16 Replies)
- The PlayStation's Mascot? (40 Replies)
- UbiSoft loses E3 (5 Replies)
- Tales of Monkey Island for Wii (10 Replies)
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (9 Replies)
- Nintendo wins E3 (53 Replies)
- Empire posts their top 100 Games (29 Replies)
- I hate unnecessary sequels (12 Replies)
- E3 Discussion Topic (109 Replies)
- Brick shitting Psychic predictions on E3 2009. (31 Replies)
- Does Anyone Else Play (26 Replies)