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Vehicles/riding animals sounds awesome. Make them desturctable like wario's car. Also make the motion sensor bomb a better color that in brawl, purple is not threatening (unless you are talking about Barney)
Well what containers would the riding items be in?
Also I was wondering if Huffn' Puffin could be an item like Mr. Saturn except when you throw it he circles around back to you.
Also I figure we should do something new with Mr. Saturn.
I think that the cars would be something that randomly spawns in the area. I dunno.
Mountables, so good you won't want to destroy the president.
haha i actually sort of get it
I have an idea for the vehicle/animal thing, the owl from super mario 64. you jump under him and hold A and steer him as he goes up, but he keeps going up so if you tried to steer downwards he'd slow but he wouldn't stop and if you steered up he'd go faster. As for the containers the vehicle/animal container should just be the same as crates but with a wheel or animal stamp on the side.
Wait, so what would you use the owl for then? Flying upwards is mostly pointless since you have double jumps and Up+Bs for that. And if you were to use the owl as a recovery item, that'd be broken as heck.
EDIT: Besides, the parrot-thingy would probably get in over the owl, since the animal item IS based off DKC.
I thought the parrot was just based off of Donkey Kong Jungle Beat?
No Jungle Beat pretty much ripped off every animal in DKC.
For a vehicle, what about the hero car (mini clown car used in NSMBWii by the player) to fight Jr.? It's could temporarily let you hover about and doo small spins that knock the opponent back (doesn't hurt them, or does little damage).
If that seems a bit cheep, maybe it just hovers right above the ground, but it can jump.
What about a psyenergy stone from Golden Sun or something from there in general
Wait, vehicles? Where did that idea come from?
(11-28-2009, 04:57 PM)Number Six Wrote: [ -> ]I think that the cars would be something that randomly spawns in the area. I dunno.
Right here.

That idea might work, but only on certain stages. But I'm not sure if I want to go with that idea.
(11-29-2009, 11:09 AM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, vehicles? Where did that idea come from?
'Sup. >_>
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