This thread is gonna get everyone banned from Spamhaul forever because nobody will do what people challenge them to do.
(12-03-2009, 10:30 PM)Rhymey Wrote: [ -> ]hey
i forgot about vocaloid
and that i actually bought it like a nerd
can i use that since my friend on xbl wasnt on today (apparently because he has h1n1 <_<)
Hey rhymey, kinda glossed over your post. Just the fact that you've got the song written is good enough for me, so I'm down with you using whatever for your challenge since you don't have a mic.
new challenge goes up tomorrow, i'm tired and need to think about this one for a bit.
edit: so we're clear, this one aint vipershark, i've got a different poster in mind.
Really? No one has particularly been crappy.
that colton guy has had some really shitty posts lately i think hes talking about him
bryan: k. should be done maybe late tonight
also who the hell is colton
rabbit sex why do you obsess over this colton guy
because he used to be my best friend here at the forum
but he got banned
sure nobody else liked him but i did. then again hes the one who told me about this place so pretty much, if it werent for him i never would have been here
i was friends with him before i knew he was classified as a "distinguished gentleman"
i c
wait if he's banned how can he do the challenge ???
(12-04-2009, 11:53 PM)TomGuycott Wrote: [ -> ]This thread is gonna get everyone banned from Spamhaul forever because nobody will do what people challenge them to do.
and this is a bad thing... how?
fuck, forgot that vocaloid is messed up (it said i didn't register/activate it)
so i'm going to post the (FUCKING HORRIBLE) lyrics and say to hell with it
when I start posting I stay in my thread
but getting trolled gets me pissed off
i open the topic
click reply
make another bad post
i'm a bad poster
it's fucking strange
i'm a bad poster
and it's not gonna change
they say that spamhauls a dangerous place
if you flame me i'll get in your face
your posts up my ass
and my next post might be my last
i'm a bad poster
spamhaul is strange
i'm a bad poster
and it's not gonna change
Spamhaul is rude
they wanna see nudes
i'm gonna get banned
gonna go back to 4chan
i'm a bad poster
it's really strange
i'm a bad poster
and it's not gonna change
so yeah, bye spamhaul!

please make more posts about how everyone else thinks you're a terrible poster that will change peoples' perception of you rolleyes.gif
reverse psychology works wonders on the internet
(12-05-2009, 06:26 PM)pulchridude Wrote: [ -> ]beattyvoninafightinggameofhischoice.txt
hey now, the challenge is supposed to be challenging, not impossible