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                    ,_,..,ィヽ,、       |
                   /Sweatdrop::r‐~-ミ、     |   どんなAAでもOKだ 合言葉は
                 4~/へi::::::;/,ヘミ7     |   いいかんじっぷりだなwwwwww
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  /       , -' ,、  `、_)   l,i,  i //  (/  ...,,SweatdropSweatdrop:` 、        ヽ
 More Sweatdrops       '" ノ SweatdropSweatdrop::::      i !  : //    .....:::::Sweatdropイ、_、_\ _    _ノ
 l ..,, __,ィ"-‐´ ̄`i::::: ゙゙゙= ...,,,,,. l | ,//  - = ""::Sweatdrop :/       ` '''' '"
            ヾ :Sweatdrop;,,     ,i l,//     ,,..," /         _,,.....,_
   ,. -- .,_        \ :;,.   More Sweatdrops  V ;!   `;  /;: ノ      ,.ィ'"XXXXヽ
  /XXX;iXXミ;:-,、     ヾ  '" ''' /./!  ヾ   /    ,. - '"XXXXXXXX;i!
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 XXXXX/ \XXソ::::::::::/     i!::    ノ     i!::::::::::::ゞXX:/  lXXXXXXX|
 XXXX:/   `ヾ::SweatdropSweatdrop;:ツ      ヾ;::: ; ノ      ヾ:Sweatdrop:::::::ゝ'"     ヾXXXXX |
aaagh smilies mess it up
(12-02-2009, 09:57 AM)Phage Wrote: [ -> ]anyone itt have a fuck I could borrow?

Here, take mine.
I don't need it anymore.
We're all out of fucks.
Also, vs is that supposed to be a tank
or a fat dude in a cap
It looks like a person wearing stockings with either a VERY stretched out vagina or a big fuckin dick
The top part, I can't tell
(12-02-2009, 03:35 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]                    ,_,..,ィヽ,、       |
                   /;;::r‐~-ミ、     |   どんなAAでもOKだ 合言葉は
                 4~/へi::::::;/,ヘミ7     |   いいかんじっぷりだなwwwwww
                 '-l|<>|:::::|<フ1|i'    ノ
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              /`ー、  ハー;";::i:::ヾイl! ,r'~`ヽ、 \
           ,.ィ" ri l i ト、 1:|`丶:;;;:イ' ill!7、 、 y;  ヽ、_` ー―――――
      ,. -‐''" 、 くゝソノリ~i | - 、 , -‐'7ハ ヾニト-    ~` ー- 、_
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  /       , -' ,、  `、_)   l,i,  i //  (/  ...,,;;;;:` 、        ヽ
 ;'       '" ノ ;;;;::::      i !  : //    .....:::::;;イ、_、_\ _    _ノ
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            ヾ :;;;,,     ,i l,//     ,,..," /         _,,.....,_
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  /XXX;iXXミ;:-,、     ヾ  '" ''' /./!  ヾ   /    ,. - '"XXXXXXXX;i!
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 XXXXXx|XXXXX;!:::::::::::!   `. /::    | '"   l:::::::::::|XXXXXXX|XXXXXXX |
 XXXXXx!XXXXxリ:::::::::::!    |::     |    i:::::::::::ゞXXXXXツ1XXXXXXX|
 XXXXX/ \XXソ::::::::::/     i!::    ノ     i!::::::::::::ゞXX:/  lXXXXXXX|
 XXXX:/   `ヾ::;;;;;:ツ      ヾ;::: ; ノ      ヾ:;;:::::::ゝ'"     ヾXXXXX |
aaagh smilies mess it up


And yet I still can't tell what it is.
it's a person wearing stockings with an oddly shaped tie
the bad formatting on here makes it look like a dick
just goes to show you shouldn't post ascii art on tsr under any circumstance ever

(i thought it was goatse)
are you blind
no you're just really bad at posting ascii art Cute333
(12-02-2009, 11:02 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]are you blind

sorry if i can't identify literally anything in your terrible new gimmick, just because i won't accept you as a friend on facebook doesn't give you a reason to be a bitter asshole about it, thanks
some ascii works

fucking smilies mess it up but you should be able to get the gist of it
BAN HIM!!!!!
(12-02-2009, 11:18 PM)Rhymey Wrote: [ -> ]some ascii works

fucking smilies mess it up but you should be able to get the gist of it
don't you have a song to be writing
(12-02-2009, 11:21 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]PORN!!!!
BAN HIM!!!!!

I've seen candybar wrappers at church bake sales more pornographic than that.
(12-02-2009, 11:21 PM)Number Six Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-02-2009, 11:18 PM)Rhymey Wrote: [ -> ]some ascii works

fucking smilies mess it up but you should be able to get the gist of it
don't you have a song to be writing

yes i do
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