That's really going to be epic... I love the colors you've picked.
ness kind of looks like a chess piece.
In the final battle in mother two, ness had to give up part of his body to fight giygas
I think
Anyways, it looks good so far
I can't wait to see this finished. Keep up the good work!
okay dammit Pik now I wanna play Earthbound
but I'm waiting for it to show up on the VC, but Nintendo won't put it up there
and I'm not playing a ROM of it either
and I have no idea why my SNES won't work
also yes this looks nice, dood~
Can't wait for Giygas :D
Looks kinda cool, but I can't really say anything until I see more of it, to be honest. It looks like it'll be a large, epic piece, but we can only see the bottom corner right now.
I wish I had actually beaten that game. :<
Good so far. Keep it up.
It looks like its going to be awesome!
Cant wait to see it finished