if ( hspeed> 0 && x < other.x )
hspeed = 0;
if ( vspeed> 0 && y < other.y )
vspeed = 0;
if ( vspeed< 0 && y > other.y )
vspeed = 0;
if ( hspeed< 0 && x > other.x )
hspeed = 0;
DO you/me/other(s) know Game Maker
this is GML, by the way
at a glance, it appears to be something that would be in a collision event for a player object colliding with the floor or something.
What's the context?
Yeah, it looks like something that's just supposed to be used to make something move up against a block when you collide with it.
What exactly is the purpose of this topic?
I think he's having an issue with the code? I dunno, but if I don't find a reason for this topic to still be open later, I'm probably gonna end up locking it. Just seems like a waste of a topic (as are 90% of ZCE's topics)
You are supposed to post game maker scripts here to help people I guess.
I love this topic and zeldaclassicexpert.