That's only during the LimeMS days of the PTyvon arc.
Me and Ashley are cool now.
(12-06-2009, 04:25 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]bryan would be the guy who thinks he's totally badass but in reality is a fucking pussy and is easily beaten
so everybody else knows it but won't say it so i guess i'll have to
if i'm supposed to be the internet tough guy, why are you following me around and calling me a distinguished gentleman after every post? idgi ):
edit: i mean, i've blocked you from communciating with me in literally every way so there's no chance of you buggin me and you're still runnin around startin shit after every post. whats up with that?
methinks the baby doth project too much
since when am I the one starting anything when you comment on every fucking post I make
edit- apparently you missed the part on the last page (and everywhere else, actually) where you insulted me first, but whatever
Can I have an internet grudge too?
who would you like to argue with
Hey, Dex! You make Vipershark look like a good poster!
See I made an insult!
(12-06-2009, 05:54 PM)Phage Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, Dex! You make Vipershark look like a good poster!
See I made an insult!
That was way out of line, Phage.

(12-06-2009, 04:40 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]Me and cool.
don't. don't even. don't even put those words in the same sentence.
Quote:Boo and good poster
don't. don't even. don't even put those words in the same sentence.
I'll edit this list as this topic goes on
what the fuck is this about all these arcs what is this fucking naruto oh my god
this is a game about SPAMHAUL
not expresso chop or pt or ptyvon or any of this shit it is a game about SPAMHAUL
ugh you guys. its sickening
it should be a turn based strategy like advance wars with the tsrmy , the expresso chop army, ptyvon army, and jordan emirates
if your all gonna be so standoffish fuck
spoilers: vipershark loses ability to talk, uses

emote and is loved by all. end
no it can't be naruto there weren't enough filler chapters
im so naruto i put a filler in my filler