Can you report this or something, to get it back? I've never really used Steam. That sucks. :/
I'm trying to report it now but I lost all of my CD keys and my dad paid for all of the games I bought online so I don't have any proof of purchase..
this is a huge pain in the assss

just found the CD key for Left 4 Dead :]
hopefully I can get my account back soon
good luck to you. how'd you think it happened? was it just completely random?
oh hey its those annoying "anonymous" people who seem to crack the passwords to random peoples account
they hacked one of my friends youtube account a while back and he was a p. nice person and stuff so
i guess they just do it for the hell of it
The guy who stole my account appears to be Belgian and most of his friends are from Romania
and I think his name means '3rd person'
well apparently you did something to piss off Belgium and/or Romania
Quote:hey hacked one of my friends youtube account a while back and he was a p. nice person and stuff so
Oh, you mean Coolio?
yeah, too bad about him
(12-09-2009, 01:46 PM)rabbit sex Wrote: [ -> ]oh hey its those annoying "anonymous" people who seem to crack the passwords to random peoples account
they hacked one of my friends youtube account a while back and he was a p. nice person and stuff so
i guess they just do it for the hell of it
gonna guess
are we saying that people goes randomly cracking up steam accounts for the sake of doing it?
mean, seriusly.
Recovered my account a lot sooner than I had expected.
Now I have to re-download all of my games
man when you said Belgian I immediatly thought of this Belgian guy online I hate named "Hakker"....glad you got your account back though! its a bitch to get stuff stolen from you.
Thats sucks man

but glad you got your game reanstalled