It's funny how much people tend to ignore minisentries, especially when they're being shot at from another position as well.
Le Party Phantom get

my minisentry its called jenny c:
i really am tired of going to servers and everyone bitching about trading for hats.
At the other forum I go to, one guy once said he wanted a Dapper Topper. He asked who would trade him one on a server somewhere, and this guy invited him into a trade. Guy who asked for it offers a hat. Guy with Dapper Topper says that he'd only trade it away for 3 Vintage hats.
I idled for a day and a half and got a ton of items. Thanks, Gabe.
Anyone want one of my spare wranglers/backscratchers?
(12-26-2010, 08:06 AM)Rags Wrote: [ -> ]i really am tired of going to servers and everyone bitching about trading for hats.
I rarely ever see this.
I've seen maybe two or three random pub servers that I've jumped into where people were desperately trying to trade away hats for retarded offers.
And by this I mean pub servers that run competitive maps.
ALSO ninja update revealed a new Medigun and Gadget Tokens (that are supposed to give your weapons special attributes, from bleed effect to increased repair rate).
They're still just useless files at this point, though, so we really can't say if either of them will get implemented (although the medigun has a good shot of getting in)
I have a bad feeling about this whole "gadget token" thing.
(12-27-2010, 03:04 PM)-Colton Wrote: [ -> ]I have a bad feeling about this whole "gadget token" thing.
Well, there was a bad feeling about hats,
and accessories,
and addons,
and here we are now.
The shadow of it's former self.
Might as well dig deeper, it's not going back to how glorious it was.
You could just
you know
play the console versions, where the updates are a pipedream
Yeah that's a great solution except for the fact that not everybody has a 360 and like nobody has a PS3 and some people don't want a fuckton of glitches.
Just go to Vanilla servers.
I'm playing this again, add me on Steam as DrSlouch you dorks, I mostly play Spy and Engie
Everyone buy it.
It's 5 bucks.
OFICIAL TF2-TSR round up.
we'll just play the shit out of the game together!