I think Notch said it best when he described TF2 as "the best hat simulator ever".
Getting new content is awesome and all, but I think valve has kind of missed the whole point when every update is just worthless crap to promote the latest Steam game, it seems really counter-intuitive to give away promo items in a game for buying a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT game, do they want us to play TF2 or the game we just paid for?
Because either I just spent a lot of money for some extra in-game content or I just got a completely useless promo item for a game I'm not even playing.
You're implying that after you buy the game TF2 made promo items for, you'll be playing it constantly and have literally no time to play TF2.
(02-03-2011, 09:24 PM)-Colton Wrote: [ -> ]Also, do both of those have the "Genuine" prefix? If so, I really don't see the point of such a prefix, just like "Vintage". All's that did was made trading for the items I need/want a bitch.
I predict that all current Vintage items will be renamed to Genuine. As well with every normal item going Vintage.
(02-03-2011, 09:29 PM)-Colton Wrote: [ -> ]You're implying that after you buy the game TF2 made promo items for, you'll be playing it constantly and have literally no time to play TF2.
Only if you assume I'm playing games all the time, I actually spend very little time on games these days, just can't sit and powergame like I used to.
So basically if I buy the latest big release, that generally fills my gaming quota until the next one, at least if I hope to see more than half of it.
The issue I see is that unless you're the kind of person who happily calls themselves a "gamer", neither end of the deal seems like it's really worth it.
Alternate between games, or play whatever game you feel like playing that day?
who is dumb enough to pay $60 and a monthly fee for ANOTHER GENERIC MEDIEVAL MMO anyway.
The same kind of people who would pay $400 for an unusual hat. And I mean through a trade transaction with another player.
So today I got my second hat drop after nearly 500 hours of total game time. It was a trophy belt, which I'm okay with because I've been wanting a Sniper hat. And it does look rather nice.
I also got 10 crates, thank you Valve.
I found a Dr. Dapper Topper in-game 2 days ago. Woot.
The only Sniper hat I like is the Professional's Panama. Besides that, I think the generic caps look good on most classes, the Sniper being one of them. Since I don't have a Panama right now, I just have my Sniper wear the Mann Co hat (painted green).
Also, if any of you want a Scout, Soldier, or Pyro item from my backpack (for free), feel free to ask if you can have whatever one you want. Limit one per person, though.
(02-03-2011, 09:26 PM)PatientZero Wrote: [ -> ]I think Notch said it best when he described TF2 as "the best hat simulator ever".
I believe Valve themselves called the game something along the line of"The best war themed hat simulator" in one of their updates.
Oh and Colton, I'd love a Powerjack for my pyro.

(my Steam account is GLBX )
Double-post - Does anybody have Australium Gold Paint and/or Ol' Snaggletooth they'd be willing to part with?

I can buy you Gold paint later if you want, free of charge. Yeah, buy. I'm such a fucking loser.
Hey Erin, do you mind if I add you on Steam? Just for the hell of it, really.
(02-09-2011, 04:34 PM)-Colton Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Erin, do you mind if I add you on Steam? Just for the hell of it, really.
Of course I don't mind.
(02-09-2011, 04:34 PM)-Colton Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, buy. I'm such a fucking loser.
Not really. That's what its there for, you know.
why do you guys complain about this game so much you're like the people who say that every new version of everything ever on the internet (facebook, IM clients, etc.) is the worst thing ever :I
you know you can still run around and shoot at people on maps and Do Stuff right
I could understand if the complaints were about buffs/nerfs to characters/items or bad maps being added or something but
the hats, come on
that's rather petty to care about