I have (idk the names)
the spys ascot, the pyros tail, the frankenstein heavy thing, and the demo werewolf face
I had the engies emerald jarate but I traded for it
I want the pyro horns... anyone have the pyro horns?
EDIT: Nevermind I got it, I'm the Pyro Hellboy now
Have the entire Scout mummy set, Soldier's metal arms, Pyro's wings and tail, Demoman's wolf hair and mask, Heavy's frankenstein head and shoes, Engie's fly feet and wings, 2 of the Sniper items, the Spy's ascot and a haunted version of the Spy's goggles.
Yup, I'm Keychain.
I have just been running a shitty server from home meant specifically for this Halloween update. I always get the ones in Hell because they never spawn when Monoculus was active so I was the only one able to get them right after they spawned. This required me to kill myself because I abuse the HHH plugin and as the HHH you can't pick up the gifts for some reason, so I let the people get the gifts that spawn above ground. Funny thing is, except for one of the gifts I got in Hell while my server's been up (B-ankh), I've just given all the other Haunted Halloween items I've gotten to the people in the server. I ask them to kill me and the one who gets credit for it gets the item.
Oh great, they took away the option to use real colours with the decal tool.
I was considering trading for one but I don't think I will now.
...On the other hand, maybe I'll get a few while they're devalued just in case Valve decide to let us use colours again.
My drop luck sucks so I don't know what exactly you mean by "real colors." I've been hearing about them lessening what you can do with the Decal Tool over time, though, which sounds pretty stupid.
It's surprising how most pubs are okay with admin abuse (though nothing that interferes with gift-finding) and "occasional" lag-spikes. Then again, I've noticed some of the same people coming back. I like the fact that some people have added my server to their favorites despite this (at least, some of them have told me they have). Also, got rid of my last "regular" Halloween item last night. Found a Griffon's Gog in Hell, and if I already have a regular version of it, I keep the Haunted version and put the regular version up for grabs.
At this point, I have the following Haunted hats/misc:
B'Ankh. I was a little iffy about keeping this one when I found it, but decided to do so. I found another Haunted B'Ankh last night, but gave that one away via contest.
Griffon's Gog. Story explained already.
Gogglestache. I actually got a regular Gogglestache from my Cauldron, and it looked pretty cool so I kept it. Then I found a Haunted version of it.
Garlic and Stake Flank. This one is the first Haunted thing I got, and I got it before I started hosting my own server. So it's the only Haunted thing I've gotten "legitimately."
Intangible Ascot. Really no "special" story behind this. This did replace a normal Intangible Ascot.
i literally stole a haunted einstein hat by punching a horde of raging scouts away.
good times.
I turned friendly fire on on my server for the hell of it last night.
God that gift hunt became worse than anything you can imagine. Eventually I was asked to turn it off so I did. You think you heard people throw fits over the mic/chat because people were killing them while the gifts were out, you should've heard them last night.
Also Valve's pissed off about cheaters. I remember a "regular" telling me last night about a server he found before I put mine up. A bunch of people were on spec, just sitting there, while the admin farmed gifts for himself. The guy got banned when he said something about it or tried getting a gift or something.
people does all sorts of things for the sake of a purple-named wigs these days.
(11-02-2011, 09:45 PM)Butch Wrote: [ -> ]What does "MONOCULUS GROWS ANGRY" mean?
Apparently, Monoculus now becomes stronger with every time he's killed (until he flees successfully), or so I heard.
Oh. Neat.

(10-21-2011, 01:56 PM)oB2Kojjiro Mario Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.tf2wh.com/
this is a wonderful site
going into trade servers and get douchers who want to profit? Fuck that, use this service. The automated bots could give less than two fucks about what you're selling; they're giving you fair, even trades.
I've traded a ton of stuff back and forth with this service, it's pretty legitimate. You can actually get 1:1 trades for your hats here. Maybe give or take a few weapons depending on the credit price of the hat you're looking for, but still!
I have to thank you, cause because of this site, I FINALLY got a Familiar Fez.
Event's done, now my server's useless.
Saxton Hale's mad about someone's fanfiction.
(11-07-2011, 04:41 PM)Colton.txt Wrote: [ -> ]Event's done, now my server's useless.
Saxton Hale's mad about someone's fanfiction.
Can't you run a different mode until the next event?
I like running a not serious server.
They suggested that I run a Randomizer server now. I will probably do this. I have to change the Halloween image in the MotD. I will change it to that "cya later shitlords" GIF.