Eh.. I'd post the screenshot of me getting Saints Row 3 for another TF2 item. But I think it's getting redundant now. :<
What item was it?

And now you know why I only make trades while I play the game rather than trying to do it on steam's trade system.
On another subject what's the purpose of TF2 Beta? I don't necessarily know the whole details behind that.
It's the same thing but they give you new beta items to test out in real use situations before maybe implementing them into the main game.
Valve's supposed to use it to play around with weapons before ultimately changing them in the actual game
they tend to forget about it, though. See: Cowmangler.
Yeah, at first the Cowmangler was hilariously overpowered. Now, I'd call it a bit underpowered, but not a bad option if you want to get powerful shots into an enemy's holdup spot.
The original was not only over powered but completely server destroying.

Hey, I like to use the Cowmangler often due to its less damage than the other launchers. Makes rocketjumping do less damage while at the same time you still have a weapon to use against the enemy (as opposed to the Rocket Jumper, which is a piece of shit for combat unlike the Sticky Jumper)
The unlimited ammo thing is nice too.
considering the amount of weaponry we already have, what are your setups for each/your favorite class?
so far, frontier/pistol/gunslinger is a staple on my engineer, except on those rare situations when i have to play fully defensive and then i need that lv3 sentry, in wich case i either use shotgun/wrangler/southern or jag
as for the soldier, rocketlauncher/buffbanner-shotgun/paintrain-disciplinary action. if there are no medics around, i'd use a blackbox, and when its just about messing around with the other team i'd use the cowmangler.
i'm more of a support guy than anything.
Degreaser/Shotgun/Axtingisher for Pyro, pretty much without exception. What I use for other classes changes pretty frequently, but for a few items.
Sometimes I feel like the game is oversaturated with all of these different items :0
I sold all my weapons. Need to get them all back now.
Wow Met, you and I are too similar with Engineer choices : x
Only difference is when I'm on the offensive, I've got the standard shotgun instead of the FJ. I'm going to exchange it with the Widowmaker as soon as I can find one (of course it's the one weapon TF2WH never wants to sell).
I roll Demopan in most scenarios, but I also pair up the LnL/Caber with the Shield to be fireproof when I feel like not spamming (and it's fun to watch W+M1ers wonder why I'm not instadying).
Soldier I just outright use the Black Box/Gunboats/Market Gardener because I rocket jump a lot. I'm still not entirely good at it yet though, but I can at least be insanely mobile !!
My Heavy's got a Brass Beast, Sandvich, and GRU. Spy's got YER/DR/Enforcer, Sniper I never use, Medic's got the Crusader loadout, Scout's been on the fence with a solid loadout, and Pyro's got the Degreaser + puffnsting stuff.
Yeah, I'm really bad at this still.