i donbt get why people needs to switch to sniper every time a team is losing it.
as in, suddenly your team has 3+ snipers.
(12-03-2011, 07:01 AM)M9999 Wrote: [ -> ]i donbt get why people needs to switch to sniper every time a team is losing it.
as in, suddenly your team has 3+ snipers.
Snipers are obviously better than sentries and Heavies while being beaten.
A really good Sniper can get his shit done, though, that's for sure. But those are rare as it is.
Key word being his. Most 'good' snipers are mainly in it for their own kills - they switch to sniper when they are getting their ass handed to them so that they can die less and get easy kills

I know, personally, if I know my team is really shitty and there is no way I can one-man-army the other team, I just say "fuck this" and go Sniper.
At least then I can practice my aim as him (since I am the worst Sniper) and know that I'm not the guy holding the team back
what i mean is, people switchs to snipers basically due the factor that they can OHKO enemies.
problem is that in order to do so, you have to be precise, skillfull and actually know who to kill to break apart the other team. 80% of the people who rage switch to sniper are people who cant even hit someone even if they are standing right there like a bloody idiot(hence why half of those snipers are just spamming arrows looking for a lucky shot).
hence why a team who is losing badly suffers even more. hece why when they do not rage switch to sniper, they switch to spy.
hell, even if people was a bit smarter they'd switch to soldiers or demomans(asking someone to be a medic seems likethe worts ofense one could claim somehow).
This year's Australian Christmas is gearin' up now.
All I can say is, "woohoo more space guns..."
hey, at least they're giving the Pyro and Engie some much-needed weapon love
the comic was also great, can't wait to see what comes out of it~
I very much enjoyed Pyros poses and Engies dialog along the lines of getting pyros hope up about adopting a super baby

not gonna lie, the Pyro was adorable in that comic
and that pose is going to be so painfully overused
also I laughed at the non-dialogue version on dA, the brainslug with a santa hat gave that panel bonus points
so how about them pyro and engie weapons
probably gonna main the new wrench since i dont move my buildings a whole lot
New shotgun sounds OP but its damage output's probably going to be as bad as the Bison
still, many Medics shall cry after this update
can't wait, oh my god, I want those weapons so baddddddd
also double-drop rate this week so hnnngggghhhhh
3 idle accounts here i come
this link not working now any reason give me error 403
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