(06-20-2012, 11:50 PM)Rosencrantz Wrote: [ -> ] (06-20-2012, 12:40 AM)The Pope of Dope Wrote: [ -> ]My brother just got two goldfish do they actually do anything?
Wait for Friday, a massive update is shipping out involving these items.
oh neat
im glad i have 3 goldfish and 2 pieces of lint now
When the update ships the server will probably go down because of the issue I mentioned with it not automatically updating the item files for us. Since It's a Friday though I'm going to be around so as soon as it happens I should be able to catch it and make the needed changes and get it back online within a couple of minutes.
If I don't catch it if someone could shoot me a PM I'll get it back online right away.

This would probably mean something if I knew what Adult Swim was, but it looks related to the update.
This is good/bad. (Circle correct answer)
Oh, they're running an ARG right now, too.
@puggsoy, "Adult Swim is an adult-oriented cable television network that shares channel space with Cartoon Network .... The block features myriad stylistically-variable animated and live-action shows, including original programming, syndicated shows, and Japanese anime, generally with minimal or no editing for content. The programs featured on Adult Swim are geared toward an 18-34 young male audience, in contrast to the originally all-ages daytime programming on Cartoon Network."
We're about to have a bit of a match on
Everybody is welcome to join, invite friends, it's all for fun

Eugh. I was recently hacked so about half of my items are gone, but, y'know? I'll put all that aside for a quick match with you guys. I'm sure it'll be fun.
I joined, easily convinced you to change from Payload to Attack/Defense, then after 1 and a half rounds TF2 crashed. I tried to connect again but couldn't.
I've also been having some bits where it kind of half-freezes. This sometimes happens slightly on other servers, but not as severely. Dunno if it's the fact that the server's not 100% stable or what. In any case it's a really fun server

you guys are a blast to play with! best time i've had with tf2 in a while, by far.
We need to get more people to get online. Playing with people I feel like I know makes this game much more fun.
THAT WAS AWESOME. You guys were a blast to play with. Thanks for the game!
Played until the server kicked me B-)
I usually don't know what I'm doing, but it's funny. Typoing in the chatbox is awful though as I don't know how to backspace when backspace does not work :-P
Well, always nice to get killed by you folks!
HAHAHA YES. SO VERY ACCURATE. I wouldn't be surprised if Valve did something like this.
goddangit crappy, put a spoiler alert next time