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(07-17-2012, 04:26 PM)Rosencrantz Wrote: [ -> ]This would be a PERFECT secondary slot item.
someone already beat you to it.

Best thing to do now is to vote it up and make sure it gets into TF2!!

oh okay then!!!

if that is a knife thingy on one end it'd be neat if it had a 50/50 chance of causing normal damage or just slight damage+bonk'd effect

this is what usually happens during tf2
So the Robot heads that were found on Source Film Maker are actually oficial.

they can even be seen at the meet the engineer teaser.
(07-21-2012, 03:10 AM)Sonikku Wrote: [ -> ]

this is what usually happens during tf2

"NO" "NO" "NO" "NO"


oh my god who was the micspammer? He's a fucking genius.
to be honest shit like this goes on just about 90% of the time on this one surf server which is the primary reason i go to it; the admins dont give a shit if you micspam so long as you dont overlap others' micspam
[Image: XRPCD.png]
seen that av before, for the wrong reasons.
[Image: CiWBN.png]

im losing my shit right now look at this shit

[Image: K6JpF.png]

how the actual FUCK do you unbox THREE HIGH-TIER UNUSUALS
(07-30-2012, 11:44 PM)Rosencrantz Wrote: [ -> ]how the actual FUCK do you unbox THREE HIGH-TIER UNUSUALS

i dont know but i love it
Just installed this game on my laptop, haven't played in about a year.

Almost all of my items are vintage.
Has anyone fiddled with the new weapons?
I have, the cleaver is very satisfying.
are there actually good players anywhere in this entire game?? because i have not found A One yet
You gotta actually look in multiple servers. Most servers I go on have some genuinely good players, I mean they have good weapons of course but not much better than mine.

But then again it depends what you see as "good". For example you might think that engineers putting sentries or teleporters in hard-to-reach places is cheating while I personally think it's a clever tactic and use it myself often. Also you might think demoknights charging directly at you isn't that skillful while I actually struggle with executing it properly, showing that those guys who do it well are experienced.

Although spycrabbing just sucks.