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so i made a hat for steam workshop. yay
942 positive votes, yaay
wake up the next morning, 533 positive votes. nooo
Linky mclink, I wanna see. I'll vote you up I promise.
yo alex just saying if you make a horsehead misc item for the pyro/all classes i will literally lose my shit and buy it
I got one: make a little French moustache for the Pyro and call it "The French Fry" Cool


Apparently there's been a year of clues leading up to the discovery of this. People are thinking that it's all teasing towards a "Man vs Machine" mode, with Red and Blu going against "Gray". The robot heads found in the SFM files earlier back it up even more.

Check this out.
This too.

In other news, I finally got the Phlogistinator yesterday.
Why would you want the phlogistinator.

And that has been my annual post.
i like how someone made the comparison between 'gray mann' and 'gman'
(08-13-2012, 02:07 PM)Rakia Wrote: [ -> ]Why would you want the phlogistinator.

I realise that it isn't the best thing in the world but it looks cool, and in a game where hats are significant (hell, people pay for them) I'd say that's enough of a reason to want it. Plus people keep on disintegrating me with it and I've always wanted to do that too.

September 2nd is the date to note here. We're probably seeing this entire thing unravel by that date.

Remember the sand that covered Zephanaia's will from 2009? Well, it's been dusted off~

In all, it's going to be another ARG, just like the Pyro update. Sounds like so much fun~
I was completely wrong about that previous date

I thought it was September 2 too. Everyone did. But Valve just can't stop messing with us (or the decided to release it once the comic was discovered).

By the way it sucks because I have to go sleep now but there are those posters and that second comic and all...

No study tomorrow.
Holy shit
wow tsr sure its slow.