It's nice to say things about my shitty pencil scratchings.

For some reason, I really like #7 in your latest post. No real idea why, maybe it's because the face seems remotely cute on what is otherwise a rather bizarre and somewhat grotesque form. I'd like to see some more of that one.

I have to say:
you have some crazy-ass concepts
they're extremely well done, though !!
K, so I have a bunch of new shit and I don't want to upload pics to an image hosting thing
Wonder if these object imbed things work
<object width="450" height="367"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="id=155411790&width=1337" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" flashvars="id=155411790&width=1337" height="367" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed></object><br /><a href="">Xenomorph study</a> by ~<a class="u" href="">Jesus-lizard</a> on <a href="">deviant</a><a href="">ART</a>
That's a study of the Xenomorph
This is an awesome pokemon joke
My lovecraftian lizard character even more lovecraftian
And my gallery
Click and comment on shit so I don't feel tottaly pathetic, k guise?
(04-09-2010, 06:49 PM)Jesus lizard Wrote: [ -> ]K, so I have a bunch of new shit and I don't want to upload pics to an image hosting thing
Wonder if these object imbed things work
<object width="450" height="367"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="id=155411790&width=1337" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" flashvars="id=155411790&width=1337" height="367" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed></object><br /><a href="">Xenomorph study</a> by ~<a class="u" href="">Jesus-lizard</a> on <a href="">deviant</a><a href="">ART</a>
That's a study of the Xenomorph
This is an awesome pokemon joke
My lovecraftian lizard character even more lovecraftian
And my gallery
Click and comment on shit so I don't feel tottaly pathetic, k guise?
If you really wish to get into Star wars pokemon jokes you can do Sebulbasaur and Metapodracer.
I wish I was any good at drawing monsters.

I am going to go out on a limb here and say that you're freehanding most of these without doing any underlying structure?
Or, you're not paying enough attention at the construction stage.
You're developing a good eye for detail, but without a solid foundation to build on, the detail looks misshapen and flat.
It's important to construct a form, even if you're drawing a horrible lovecraftian amorphous blob. Said blob still has volume and shape to it, and you have to think of it as a 3D object before you start even thinking about detail.
Check dis out.
This is more for human figures, but it's still aiming to get you to think about volume which is VERY IMPORTANT.
It's not the best or most comprehensive guide, but it's a good starting point. Don't be put off by the first couple of pages of stick figures, it gets better :B
At some point I'll see if I can scan some pages from a magazine for you, there was a 6-issue workshop in ImagineFX for animal anatomy which'll probably help you out a lot. Make sure to bug me about it. Currently I'm still waiting on my new computer so I can't scan anything now

I've been trying to do some more expansive and 3d-ish sketches of human/humanoid anatomy recently.
Not anywhere near as advanced as the stuff in there, though.
Mostly just trying to figure out how to make nice looking waists and hips on male and female figures.
Oh woah now that i look at that left arm it's way off size.