and the smash bros project has STILL gone absolutely nowhere
actually yes it has
they started over and it's MUCH more active now
(12-13-2009, 06:31 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]actually yes it has
they started over and it's MUCH more active now
show me one complete sheet
or rather
show me one sheet with more than three animations
and then i'll believe you
yeah well you don't ever help so shut up the hell!!

(12-13-2009, 06:34 PM)pulchridude Wrote: [ -> ]yeah well you don't ever help so shut up the hell!!
i used to help
but then i realized it was going nowhere and i gave up
plus i sucked at spriting back then (still do), so i wasn't being a big help anyway
and gooey doesnt count hes a fucking circle
oh god this is NOT getting finished
guys kirby doesn't count he's a fucking circle
squirtle doesnt count he's a fucking circle
Not only that, but the project is now using a style that's waaaaaaay better than the original.
Also hey Glukom, I think I remember you!
theres too many kirby ssb sprites anyway
for once people need to fucking sprite something that actually takes work instead of drawing a fucking circle with shoes and stubby hands and gay fuckin anime face
(12-13-2009, 06:36 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]guys kirby doesn't count he's a fucking circle
way to completely miss the point
kirby doesn't count either because he's another one of the easy sheets
you show me a full link sheet and i'll be impressed
(12-13-2009, 06:38 PM)Sol Wrote: [ -> ]Not only that, but the project is now using a style that's waaaaaaay better than the original.
Also hey Glukom, I think I remember you!
Hey you sound familiar
The only reason I stopped posting here really is because I never sprite anymore :\
there's nothing more i'd love than helping out with the project but i suck at spriting and my every attempt is a fail