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Full Version: Good Mood Time
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How do YOU instantly get into a good mood?

For me, it's something like this.
when i look at your posts OWNED!!!
wait... i thought this ....oh well

something tells me im into something good~

I feeeeeeeeel good~
I knew that I would~
(12-16-2009, 05:29 PM)TomGuycott Wrote: [ -> ]How do YOU instantly get into a good mood?

porn and hentai in several tabs in several windows on several computers
Savage Garden Big Grin
Playing my guitar. Heart
Being on skype with friends reading sonic fanfics that are so bad that you can't help but laugh
(12-17-2009, 12:39 AM)Rhymey Wrote: [ -> ]porn and hentai in several tabs in several windows on several computers

pretty much this
(12-17-2009, 12:39 AM)Rhymey Wrote: [ -> ]porn and hentai in several tabs in several windows on several computers

good luck closing all that after you cum
Hall and Oates - You make my Dreams come true.

Always puts me in a happy / good mood
im always in a good mood

going out and living my life, not wasting away my life porn surfing in a vain attempt at momentary satisfaction. nerds.
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