I don't have the complete list of games yet, but in the mean time, let's talk about the games that might appear at E3 2008 or the kind of games we hope to be announced.
Postal III (PC, Xbox 360) - Confirmed
Bethesda Softworks
Fallout 3 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) - Confirmed
Elder Scrolls V - Rumoured
Capcom USA Inc.
Resident Evil 5 (PS3, Xbox360) – Confirmed
Street Fighter IV (PS3, Xbox360, PC) – Confirmed
Bionic Commando (PS3, Xbox360, PC) - Confirmed
Bionic Commando Rearmed (PS3, Xbox360, PC) - Confirmed
Dark Void (PS3, Xbox360, PC) - Confirmed
MotoGP 08 (PS3) – Confirmed
Spyborgs (Wii) - Confirmed
Neo Pets Puzzle Adventure (Wii, PC) - Confirmed
Plunder (PS3, Xbox360, PC) - Confirmed
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (PS3, Xbox360) - Confirmed
Secret Capcom Project - Confirmed
Secret Capcom Project – Confirmed
Dead Rising 2 - Rumoured
Megaman Title - Rumoured
Damnation (PC, PS3, X360) - Confirmed
Dragonology (DS, Wii) - Confirmed
Jumpgate Evolution (PC) - Confirmed
Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising (PC, PS3, X360) - Confirmed
Rise of the Argonauts (PC, PS3, X360) - Confirmed
Wizardology (DS, Wii) - Confirmed
Crave Entertainment
Defendin’ de Penguin (DS, Wii) - Confirmed
Ford Racing Off Road (PS2, PSP, Wii) - Confirmed
King of Clubs (Wii) - Confirmed
PBR: Out of the Chute (PS2, Wii) - Confirmed
Purr Pals (Wii) - Confirmed
Solitaire & Mahjong (Wii) - Confirmed
D3Publisher of America
Bangai-O Spirits (DS) - Confirmed
Ben 10: Alien Force — The Game (DS, PS2, PSP, Wii) - Confirmed
Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 (Wii) - Confirmed
Naruto: Path of the Ninja 2 (DS) - Confirmed
Puzzle Quest: Galactrix (DS, PC, X360) - Confirmed
Deep Silver
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky (PC) - Confirmed
Disney Interactive Studios
Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell (DS) - Confirmed
High School Musical 3: Senior Year (DS) - Confirmed
High School Musical 3: Senior Year Dance (PC, PS2, Wii, X360) - Confirmed
Pure (PC, PS3, X360) - Confirmed
Spectrobes: Beyond The Portals (DS) - Confirmed
Ultimate Band (DS, Wii) - Confirmed
Eidos Interactive
Tomb Raider Underworld (PS3, Xbox360, Wii) –Confirmed
Battlestations: Pacific (PC, X360) –Confirmed
Just Cause 2 (PC, PS3, X360) –Confirmed
Monster Lab (Wii) –Confirmed
Electronic Arts
MySims Kingdom (Wii) – Confirmed
MySims Party (DS) - Confirmed
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 (PC, X360) –Confirmed
Crysis Warhead (PC) –Confirmed
Dead Space (PC, PS3, X360) –Confirmed
FaceBreaker (PS3, X360) –Confirmed
FaceBreaker K.O. Party (Wii) –Confirmed
Madden NFL 09 (PS3, X360) –Confirmed
Madden NFL 09 All-Play (Wii) –Confirmed
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames (PC, PS3, X360) –Confirmed
Mirror’s Edge (PC, PS3, X360) –Confirmed
NBA Live 09 (PS3, X360) –Confirmed
NCAA Football 09 (PS3, X360) –Confirmed
Skate It (Wii) –Confirmed
Spore (PS3, Xbox360, PC) –Confirmed
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest (PC, PS3, X360) –Confirmed
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 (PS3, PSP, X360) –Confirmed
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 All-Play (Wii) –Confirmed
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (PC) –Confirmed
Fox Interactive Media
Dungeon Hero (PC, X360) –Confirmed
Legendary (PC, PS3, X360) –Confirmed
Velvet Assassin (PC, X360) –Confirmed
Konami Digital Entertainment America
Castlevania (Wii) – Rumoured
Castlevania Order of Ecclesia (DS) – Confirmed
Zone of the Enders Gen (PS3, Xbox360) –Rumoured
Star Wars Force Unleashed (PS3, Xbox360, Wii) - Confirmed
Fracture (PS3, Xbox360, PC) - Confirmed
Microsoft Corporation(Rareware)
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts (X360 - Confirmed
Fable 2 (X360) - Confirmed
Gears of War 2 (X360) - Confirmed
Halo Wars (X360) - Confirmed
Too Human (X360) - Confirmed
Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise (X360) – Confirmed
Viva Piñata Pocket Paradise (DS) – Confirmed
Midway Games, Inc.
Blitz: The League II (PS3, X360) – Confirmed
Game Party 2 (Wii) – Confirmed
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (PS3, X360) – Confirmed
TNA iMPACT! (PS2, PS3, Wii, X360) – Confirmed
This is Vegas (PC, PS3, X360) – Confirmed
Touchmaster 2 (DS) – Confirmed
Unreal Tournament III (X360) – Confirmed
Wheelman (PC, PS3, X360) – Confirmed
Namco Bandai Games America, Inc.
Soul Calibur IV (PS3, Xbox360) - Confirmed
Tales Of Legendia (Xbox360) - Confirmed
Tales of Dawn (PS3) - Rumoured
Natsume, Inc.
Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility (Wii) – Confirmed
Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town 2 (DS) – Confirmed
Harvest Moon Island of Happiness (DS) – Confirmed
Nintendo of America Inc.
Super Mario Sluggers (Wii) - Confirmed
The Legend of Zelda (Wii) – Rumoured
F-Zero (Wii) – Rumoured
Kid Icarus (Wii) - Rumoured
Pikmin 3 (Wii) – Rumoured
Starwing (Wii) – Rumoured
Pilotwings (Wii) - Rumoured
New Super Mario Bros DS 2 (DS) - Rumoured
SEGA of America, Inc.
Sonic Unleashed (PS3, Xbox360) – Confirmed
Sonic Attitude (DS) – Rumoured
Sony Computer Entertainment
Killzone 2 (PS3) - Confirmed
LittleBigPlanet (PS3) - Confirmed
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift (PS3) - Confirmed
PixelJunk Eden (PS3) - Confirmed
Resistance 2 (PS3) - Confirmed
SIREN: Blood Curse Episode #1 [PSN] (PS3) - Confirmed
SOCOM: Confrontation (PS3) - Confirmed
ICO 3 (PS3) - Rumoured
Southpeak Interactive
B-Boy (PS2, PSP) - Confirmed
Big Bang Mini (DS) - Confirmed
Edge of Twilight (PC, PS3, X360) - Confirmed
Mister Slime (DS) - Confirmed
Monster Madness: Grave Danger (PS3) - Confirmed
Ninjatown (DS) - Confirmed
Two Worlds: The Temptation (PC, X360) - Confirmed
Square Enix
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children 2 (Bluray) – Confirmed
Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) – Confirmed
Final Fantasy XIII Versus (PS3) – Confirmed
Final Fantasy Nebulla (DS) – Rumoured
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep (PSP) – Confirmed
Kingdom Hearts 358/5 Days (DS) – Confirmed
Kingdom Hearts (PS3) – Rumoured
Star Ocean V (PS3, Xbox360) - Confirmed
Dragon Quest IV (DS) – Confirmed
Dragon Quest V (DS) – Confirmed
Dragon Quest VI (DS) - Confirmed
The Last Remnant (Xbox360) – Confirmed
Infinite Undiscovery (Xbox360) – Confirmed
THQ Inc.
All-Star Cheer Squad (DS, Wii) – Confirmed
Baja: Edge of Control (PS3, X360) – Confirmed
Darksiders: Wrath of War (PS3, X360) – Confirmed
Deadly Creatures (Wii) – Confirmed
Lock’s Quest (DS) – Confirmed
Red Faction: Guerrilla (PC, PS3, X360) – Confirmed
Saints Row 2 (PC, PS3, X360) – Confirmed
Viva Piñata: Pocket Paradise (DS) – Confirmed
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 (DS, PS3, Wii, X360) – Confirmed
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II (PC) – Confirmed
de Blob (Wii) – Confirmed
Toshiba America Information Systems
Ubisoft Entertainment Inc.
Beyond Good and Evil 2 (PS3, Xbox360) - Confirmed
Red Steel 2 (Wii) - Confirmed
Valve Software
Left 4 Dead (PC, X360) - Confirmed
Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment Inc.
LEGO Batman: The Videogame (DS, PC, PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii, X360) - Confirmed
Project Origin (PC, PS3, X360) - Confirmed
Little King’s Story (Wii) - Confirmed
Valhalla Knights 2 (PSP) - Confirmed
copy+pasted from GBAtemp which copy+pasted from Playstation Beyond
Games I'm hoping for are
Kirby Wii, Animal Crossing Wii, Pikmin 3, Zelda Wii, NHL game for Wii.
News on these games would get me excited.
So uh.
When the hell IS E3 '08, anyway?
btw Mega Man 9 better be confirmed damnit
Shit! I knew it! I knew Disney was making a third High School Musical!
The only one I care about is Pikmin 3. PIKMIN 3. OH GOD YES PIKMIN 33333333333333.
Blindly hoping for Star Fox Wii, Pikmin 3, Custom Robo Wii, new Metroid
Expecting new Wii Play/Fit/Sports
But seriously looking forward to getting more info about SC IV and Mario Sluggers.
Well I'm looking to hear more about that Kirby game that's been sleeping in Limbo-Town.
Also, I'd like to see some Wario Land: Shake It! action too.
But most importantly, I really want to see a new DK game... Really.
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and Sword of Light remake for DS =oooo
Hopping for Pikmin 3, Starfox Wii, F-Zero Wii and a new Kirby game

If Pikmin 3 is revealed, I will shit bricks. One tonne bricks.
Banjo Kazooie 3's got me really excited, more so than most games on that list. Left 4 Dead looks to be quite impressive too. Star Fox could be cool, depends though, those games have a habit of disappointing me ever since Adventures. Really want the Kingdom Hearts games to come out, been waiting so long for them. It's going to be immense if the DS and PSP one come out on the same day.