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Full Version: ma face [wip]
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[Image: 35281469.png]
lost my original ref :\
awesome stuff.
[Image: 70170155.png]
the only problem that I see is that the dark red doesn't contrast enough with the light red
one last update for today, will be done sometime tomorrow
[Image: mugshot.png]
this is fantastic except the muscle parts looks really fake and contrived
I never meant to make muscles, actually when I started I was going for a "terminator" look. I scrapped that idea and now its just a creepy design, which I like :]
still, that part could be better
Can I see some reference?
[Image: mugshot2.png]

left: the original pic I photofucked and the base of my sprite. inb4 cheating.
right: webcam pic I just took. lighting is different because it is currently nighttime (I sat next to a window earlier) this just serves to show my real face.

edit: wish I knew why the fuck my hair always goes to the right :\
[Image: mugshotr.png]

fuck fuck fuck almost done Sad

also lol
You have some pretty noticeable gradients going on there