This is kind of a response to the Best and Worst Bosses thing. Which, character from which game was the most disapointing to you?
For me personally, it was Magneto in X-men 2: clone wars, Sega genesis. He was too slow, too weak, he could only hover in one spot, and not actually fly, and his special attack was crap. And come on, he's Mag-frigg'n-neto, weak is something that does not describe him.
Anyway, what about you fellers?
A lot of the extra playable characters in Castlevania games~
also Alia, Layer and Palette from Mega Man X8
Big the Cat - Sonic Adventure 1
Shirley Fennes from Tales of Legendia. WASTE O SPACE
"thefinalegg" (assuming you mean the Egg Emperor) isn't a playable character in Sonic Heroes.
Sonic the Hedgehog - SONIC the Hedgehog (2006)
being a Sonic fan, I found that in this game, he moved too slow for being "the fastest thing alive" in this game, also a whole bunch of moves were quite glitchy, like the homing attack and such
Sho_"Rocker"_Daisuke Wrote:Sonic the Hedgehog - SONIC the Hedgehog (2006)
being a Sonic fan, I found that in this game, he moved too slow for being "the fastest thing alive" in this game, also a whole bunch of moves were quite glitchy, like the homing attack and such
Another sad thing is that Knuckles moves just as fast as Sonic does in Sonic Adventure, or at least DX.
Big the Cat was disappointing.
Lotos Wrote:Sho_"Rocker"_Daisuke Wrote:Sonic the Hedgehog - SONIC the Hedgehog (2006)
being a Sonic fan, I found that in this game, he moved too slow for being "the fastest thing alive" in this game, also a whole bunch of moves were quite glitchy, like the homing attack and such
Another sad thing is that Knuckles moves just as fast as Sonic does in Sonic Adventure, or at least DX.
Big the Cat was disappointing.
I never really noticed that about Knukles, mainly because his levels really weren't much of running around getting to a checkpoint, they were more treasure hunting games
I think they just put Big in there to make it that you have 7 playable characters by the end (including Super Sonic), and his game play was different, not so much dissapointing, he was a dissapointment in Heroes though
Yeah, took me a good deal of practice to get good at Big's gameplay. It's pretty silly that a little fish can kill him.
But, you gotta give him some credit. I mean, how many cats can kill a robot with a fishing pole? Honestly? And how many cats can wear boots? honestly? And how many cats can wreck a house, and clean it up before mom gets home? Honestly...
( 5 hours later...)
...And how many cats can spank a monkey while playing the MONK theme music on a bagpipe while riding a unicycle? Honestly?
Metal Knuckles - Sonic R