while that isn't bad at all, I want to go for a more realistic look
but actually that could work on a platformer or something
you can use it or not, I was just bored :p
I'm not going to finish it anyway because I don't really know what you're supposed to look like.
Now I have to get started on myself
On a side note, TSR needs some game subgenres. TSR vs MFGG works for its *cough cough* "official" fighting game, but we should make stuff like a platformer, an RPG, etc. Just throwing that out there...
Also, I don't know if you wanted to include it, but I'd think that ducking, jumping, ducking attacks and jumping attacks, as well as walking should be included in the sprite template. Of course, depending on the style of game you do, you could prevent any of that from happening.. although without walking you'd be limited to Rock-em Sock-em Robots.
Crap I forgot about walking and jumping. As fir jumping attacks and crouching attacks, let me figure how to do the punch and kick coding first, and afix it to everybody before expanding the commands.
I'm not in? OK I'll gatecrash then.
![[Image: c2bfav.png]](http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/2003/c2bfav.png)
Sorry C2B, I knew I had forgot some people
I like your style chris
I will attempt to make myself
for a full 10/10
as soon as you have an alpha of the engine, send me a pm and i'll start working on the graphics.
Got a few animation skeletons on the go (right hook, left hook, squash).
Hahaha I did not notice I'm on there hm... I better redesign myself for this... I think Something nostalgic and obnoxious would be appropriate for my character.
I have to redo the engine
My Vista got a virus, and guess what McAfee decided to erase when it was getting rid of the malware. My engine and my tutorial on punches and shit
why is that no one told me about this?
subomi and anubis for specials please, ill try to whip up a ref sometime
somebody gotta hit me up or somethin, i do wanna be in this. also dont group me with spamhaul, come on i deserve more than that.(TSR group?)
(12-29-2009, 01:15 AM)JarJar Wrote: [ -> ]why is that no one told me about this?
subomi and anubis for specials please, ill try to whip up a ref sometime
somebody gotta hit me up or somethin, i do wanna be in this. also dont group me with spamhaul, come on i deserve more than that.(TSR group?)
Well I thought it'd be better to have you as the leader of the SpamHaul group than a Dazz lackey