and actually superwomans face looks all deformed
It was probably badly traced from porn. That is the new industry standard for drawing laydeez in comics.
Oh god I just noticed Supergirl's stomach is the same width as her thigh what the eff.
not to mention the giant indent where her stomach should be
I've never understood why so many people draw girls who are curvy except for on the stomach. Either go for curvy or skinny YOU MAY NOT HAVE BOTH.
since when could you see supergirl's ribs through her costume
also when did they start drawing her with a man face
I couldn't find a fun Christmas image by Alex Ross or Adam Hughes, sorry boys :/ And yeah, comic book girls are each time even more anorexic, thanks to the freaking awesome Michael Turner. Gorgeous art, but way too skinny girls :/
batgirl looks fine aside from the messed up ankles
but it looks like he didn't even try on supergirl
why would they be hanging in the middle of nowhere with two supper villians in the first place.
Hey, what are you guys complaining about, anorexic girls are way better than Liefeld girls!
at least they're not furries or gwolfs.
There is a very good reason why you can see the outline of Supergirl's ribcage.
... She's one of the Inhumanoids, and she's ripping off D'Compose, and on the way here she kept the Joker trapped by hiding him in her ribcage. Because that makes so much sense.

Better than Liefeld boys, girls... I mean, his Captain America got BOOBS
Also, it's the old Supergirl (she don't exists anymore) and she dated a horse who was actually a centaur who was an earth-born angel and in his human form he was a girl (WTF?!?!?!?!), so I really don't give a damn XD
wow, what the FUCK is up with that Captain America
Some guys at Brazilian forums called him "CaPEITÃO" America
(Capitão = Captain, Peitão = Big Boobs)
Take a look at his Hulk:
![[Image: liefeld_2.jpg]](