So, how big are your guns?
Pretty average for a football player. Pretty good otherwise. No complaints.
i dont have guns they are very dangerous i do not want to get hurt
(12-30-2009, 01:46 AM)Colton. Wrote: [ -> ]i dont have guns they are very dangerous i do not want to get hurt
You pussy.
reported for hurting my feelings!!1
throw this thread in the garbage
(12-30-2009, 02:08 AM)////AUD Wrote: [ -> ]throw this thread in the garbage
Along with yours.

My guns are as big as ////AUD's post count.
(12-30-2009, 02:07 AM)Colton. Wrote: [ -> ]reported for hurting my feelings!!1
I could report you for being a distinguished gentleman.
ooohoh you just owned me!!
guys should i report him again hes is using vulgar language and that is not acceptable at tsr??
(12-30-2009, 02:12 AM)Colton. Wrote: [ -> ]ooohoh you just owned me!!
guys should i report him again hes is using vulgar language and that is not acceptable at tsr??
What are you, 5? Grow a pair. It's Spamhaul, dumbshit.
okay you know what you are ggetting banned because you will not stop insulting me this is supposed to BE A FRIENDLY COMMUNITY!!
(12-30-2009, 02:19 AM)Colton. Wrote: [ -> ]okay you know what you are ggetting banned because you will not stop insulting me this is supposed to BE A FRIENDLY COMMUNITY!!
Dude. stfu. You're not being funny. You're being 5. Just stfu.