Hows this?
Why is his torso still upright? Ridley never stands up straight.
I do not know what your talking about.
It's not that hard to understand. He shouldn't be upright like that. It's not fitting.
Also, that way we can make him "bigger". Sprite-wise he's not actually bigger, but hunched over sprites always feel like they're bigger than they actually are.
By the way, I think the tail should be a separated, segmented entity. That way, the tail can move really dynamic.
Double post
I need help
Looks good but the wing looks to small
I think the more hunched a character is, the wider their feet are positioned. See it as keeping balance.
(01-08-2010, 07:44 AM)Blitz Troopa Wrote: [ -> ]Looks good but the wing looks to small
Oh never mind.Thought his wings were bigger.
Attempted to make him not look like he's about to fall over by changing the positions of the legs, redoing one foot, and changing the neck/head position a bit.
Hi, I know I'm not around here often, but I'd like to throw in my two cents about the ridley sprite, Wes. I think the stance on your sprite to the left is just fine. Normally it would be true that the more hunched over a character is the more spread out his legs need to be, however with ridley the arms, wings and tail are more than enough compensation. Honestly, the second sprite just feels unnatural to me, but this is just my opinion.