oh great thisw was supposed to be a big mystery until people started using the word with -gy
now i am no more mystery
Testing to make sure I know the word!!!111!!!!1one!!
I'm quiet a distinguished gentleman.
No, you sir, are a fabulous dude.
i blame you for all of this dumbbuttery, kosheh
look what you've done kosh
it's already lame
Wasn't paying attention, which one is distinguished gentlemen?
i fucking knew it kosheh give me your address
(01-03-2010, 08:10 PM)Phage Wrote: [ -> ]sirronlionheart
i am a fabulous dude
weeaboos are fabulous
and for some reason japs like kfc for christmas
Kentakki Furaido Chikkin
random fact: KFC and christmas cake is the traditional japanese christmas dinner
yes, fried chicken (preferably from kfc) and cake
for most middle class asians, fastfood is on the xmas table