I've only really gotten a hang of Batsu so far, I can't find somebody that works well with him.
One thing about the online that pisses me off is the fact that Ranked Battle says 'opponents with similar battle rank', but they throw players with hundreds or even thousands more points than you at you to kick your ass. 0 vs 3127 is not an even match :/
Buuuuuuut if somebody wants to beat me up, here's my friend code: 1033-2646-7497
(01-26-2010, 08:59 PM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]prepare to be slightly dissapointed and end up playing ryu
i don't think i will be disappointed honestly, after seeing his gameplay footage he looked fun as hell to play, especially since he does so many things from the game
so far the games been great played it for 5 hrs straight. Unlocked Frank and Zero. Right now my team is Soki and Morrigan. I love poking, it so evil.
is megaman trigger unlocked from the start
I'll be maining him (and probably ryu) until I unlock zero and then I'll switch to a megaman and zero team
also is tekkaman blade any good
baww, stuck at home and cant buy until maybe this weekend
can anyone breif me on;
are there still cameos in the arcade endings?
what minigames were taken out?
how cool are casshan and saki??
I need to find my friend code and challenge some suckas.
... and get my ass beat. xD
Wow Friend Codes Exchanges they need to happen....as soon as I unlock Zero.
Ken The Eagle + Yatterman-1 = my Batman and Robin team.
Is anybody able to tell me how to make zombies fall form the sky with Frank West?

(01-27-2010, 01:12 PM)Layle Wrote: [ -> ]baww, stuck at home and cant buy until maybe this weekend
can anyone breif me on;
are there still cameos in the arcade endings?
what minigames were taken out?
how cool are casshan and saki??
1.Yes there are still cameos in the arcade endings
2.The only minigames we have are the arcade credits and Ultimate All-Shooters
3. Saki is good for players who like to pressure from a mid-long range. Her light atk is the main problem because it is just like her stomping her foot. Casshan is good because of the affect of his electric moves, which if you time right you can move straight into his lvl 3 from it.
bean streamed zeros arcade for me yesterday
omggg shit looks os fun
the cameos were fffffffffffff
The cameo in Saki's is awesome
AngelGlory: Try Alex or Ken the Eagle
ViperShark: Megaman Volnutt is there at the begining.
She has the huge dinosaur from Red Earth as a cameo
edited in a spoiler tag for you! ~Tyvon
P.S. Thanks Tyvon
is tekkaman blade any good
I haven't unlocked Tekkaman Blade, but I certainly have fun with regular Tekkaman. I kinda wanna play as Blade just for the nostalgia factor, because I used to watch the localized version of TB when I was a kid, where it was called Teknoman, and at the time that was the most awesome show I'd seen on my less-than-basic cable.
I think I need to look up move walkthroughs for certain characters though. I don't get certain parts of Megaman and Soki, such as how to collect souls for Soki's Oni transformation.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bS765funp0 YES YES YES. This is it.
i... i just came so hard with that video
(01-28-2010, 07:49 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]is tekkaman blade any good
I personally use Tekkaman Blade and Soki. Tekkaman blade is slow on the ground and uses thrusters but is great at maintaining space. One example is Baselard - [Blade throws his space lance across the screen] the strong version turns into a grab which can get you close after a move. You want a partner with him who is good on the defensive. That is why I use Soki. Hope this helps
Taken from SRK:
Katzbalger - [Blade's charge move] best if used as an anti-air. C version moves Blade forward while spinning his lance; if the opponent is hit (also depends on how they're hit), Blade will take them across the screen causing a wall bounce. Can also be used to pressure the opponent and has some recovery on block, but the opponent has a small window to punish if blocked. While taking the opponent across the screen at the last hit of the move, cancel into a Voltekka/ Omnidirectional Super Voltekka. More on this in the "Combos section!"
TomGuyCott: For soki collecting souls in Oni form allows you to do his lvl 3 super in oni form. Each soul color has a different effect.
P.S. If anyone has tvc questions pm me and I can find out for you