i was PEACEFULLY eating my mustard when all of a sudden i got a "pretzels" inside of it!!
if ANY of you are professionals i would really like it if you guys HELPED me out. mustard is a VERY important part of my diet and this is my LAST BIT so please do help me out!
love, morgan~chan
eat your mustard with a straw
ia m a rpofessional at this
i'm afraid i cannot do that, i'm allergic to llama fur.
ah i see i am now in flul graps of the situation
please take sveral more photos of this specimen of "mutsard" o that i can examinen it closera
mustard and pretzels? what the fuck is wrong with you.
(01-10-2010, 07:17 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]this is a great thread
let's do coke sometime @w@
well i'd assume you'd have the money for it considering the amount of ANIME you buy @0@
(01-10-2010, 07:22 PM)Amster Wrote: [ -> ]well i'd assume you'd have the money for it considering the amount of ANIME you buy @0@
that's for anime, not drugs
but in my case there's no difference, sooo
(01-10-2010, 07:22 PM)Amster Wrote: [ -> ]well i'd assume you'd have the money for it considering the amount of ANIME you buy @0@
you're getting less original every day
it was just last week you were throwing an anime joke at viper
you should see metaru's posts then
he does an average of 3 "make fun of vipershark" posts per hour