so it's not capcom vs. microsoft, it turned out the CAPCOM X MICROSOFT announcement was monster hunter on the 360
why have i never heard of any capcom vs x game until this thread?
are you serious
are you FUCKING serious
we need to get this man a healthy dose of Marvel vs Capcom
Yes im srs. i doubt i know anyone that has heard of it either.
holy shit britain sucks ass
No, i need a wank. i'll do that first. Then i'll probably need to lie down for an hour or so and have a smoke. Then maybe.
no fuck you play this NOW
marvel vs. capcom really isn't that special there's no need to go flamboyant about it, vipershark
wasn't being serious
I was, but the angry tone wasn't serious
the point still stands just because someone says they haven't played a game (a pretty average game, at that) that you like, you don't need to jump up and down screaming like a toddler desperate for approval
dnt worry vuper. im sure its a great game. i'll still love u either way