it doesn't have a single root
who knew you had any roots here when you came
yet alone, growing them.
well then why don't you just hit the road, make like a tree and leaf, vamous, beat it, get lost, screw off, put an egg in your shoe, hit the bricks, gotta speed keed, get outta here, leave
You gotta think of this forum epically.
i adblock every single signature i dont like.
(01-22-2010, 07:00 PM)Metaru Wrote: [ -> ]i adblock every single signature i dont like.
I just browse without signatures
(01-22-2010, 07:12 PM)Metaru Wrote: [ -> ]ruthless
more like ROOTLESS amirite
word games are bad sebastian
wtf have you been watching?
op you are the hexxus to spamhaul's fern gully