(01-28-2010, 09:33 PM)Subomi Wrote: [ -> ]what is there to earn?
theres only to lose
listen broslice, it just sounds silly
'hey, im too cool to post here. peace.'
there are few people in spamhaul who can pull off posting that ironically

i'm too cool to not post here.
proof i am a living redundant statement.
(01-28-2010, 10:07 PM)MrSkeleton Wrote: [ -> ] (01-28-2010, 09:33 PM)Subomi Wrote: [ -> ]what is there to earn?
theres only to lose
listen broslice, it just sounds silly
'hey, im too cool to post here. peace.'
there are few people in spamhaul who can pull off posting that ironically

youre retarded, i wasnt even trying to say that
usually my thing here is stating the obvious, which is something you apparently didnt get
this thread has been raging for seven pages about how the spamhaul is a terrible place to have a staycation, and here you roll up in bro, and talk about how this is the reason you never post.
im just wondering how long you can keep defensive for bro
and what im i defending???
i can fuckin roll up in any thread here and say DIGLETTS POP UP IN BETWEEN MY ASSCHEEKS for all i care
i stopped posting/lurking here for few weeks because i have better things to do than argue 7 pages about a spamforum for the SAME BULLSHIT for a fuckin week
and yes i simply just ROLLED UP IN HERE not reading 95% of the thread saying "this is why i dont post here anymore" cuz i knew it was the same shit said over and over
and inb4 someone says "youre posting now!!!" im only visiting dont worry ill be gone real soon.
and btw theres a difference between "being real" and "being cool"
Dugtrios pup up inbetween my asscheeks.
(01-28-2010, 07:24 PM)MrSkeleton Wrote: [ -> ]let's make a thread where we go onto the way back machine and look up embarassing posts of star members
if you manage to find an embarrassing stx post i swear i will do anything you guys want
there is nothing you could i that i could want
(01-29-2010, 08:23 AM)suigin Wrote: [ -> ] (01-28-2010, 07:24 PM)MrSkeleton Wrote: [ -> ]let's make a thread where we go onto the way back machine and look up embarassing posts of star members
if you manage to find an embarrassing stx post i swear i will do anything you guys want
for anyone who wants to try
ps: you can't
every word posted on the internet is a fucking embarrassment
(01-29-2010, 06:38 PM)Nystre Wrote: [ -> ]every word posted on the internet is a fucking embarrassment
only if it appears in your posts