Nothing really that big, but I'm going to be editing all of kid nico's sprites to make him closer to how i projected him in some concept art I've done of him
Looking good
Still not sure what my opinion is on the shading though. :\
to be honest with you.... neither am I
if you all are curious as to what the actual scripts might look like for modifying the game, here's an example.
I'll be sure to release some documentation with the demo for this, but I'll leave it to you to figure it out.
This is the lua file used for setting Nicolas's sprites for his attacks depending on what weapon he has equipped.
function ScriptInit(id)
Entity = id
dir = GetDir(Entity);
weapon = GetWeaponIndex(Entity);
animation_index = GetAnimationIndex(Entity);
function Nico_Attack_Index_Script
if(GetFlag(Entity, Flag_isclimbing)==false) and (GetFlag(Entity, Flag_ishanging) == false) and (GetFlag(Entity, Flag_ishurt) == false)
if (weapon == 0) --case 0
if (GetFlag(Flag_onground)
if (animation_index >=4 )
SetFlag(Entity, Flag_isattacking, false);
SetHsp(Entity, 0);
if (animation_index >=3 )
SetFlag(Entity, Flag_isattacking,false);
if (dir==LEFT) then SetHsp(Entity, 3);
if (dir==RIGHT) then SetHsp(Entity, -3);
end --break
elseif (weapon == 1) --case 1
if (Getflag(Entity, Flag_onground))
SetHsp(Entity, 0);
end --break
(01-29-2010, 08:51 AM)Kaikimi Wrote: [ -> ]update**
Nothing really that big, but I'm going to be editing all of kid nico's sprites to make him closer to how i projected him in some concept art I've done of him
Nice touch. Just curious, what program are you currently using?
For what?
For sprites I use graphics gale
for the actual game dev itself i use GM6
Although it would make the game super huge why not have an option to have the sprites unshaded? Still think they have more character that way...
Well right now I'm still kinda iffy on the whole subject of the shading.
On one hand it is unique, easy to draw, and I can churn out tons of animations in a short time
on the other hand, the sprites do look pretty good with the shading, they do take more time to make, and making cutscenes is going to be a pain.
For right now though, I'm sticking with the unshaded sprites for all my testing.
I like the unshaded sprites better
Great project by the way!
Oh, hey. Don't mind me.
Just postin' another level editor screenie. Carry on.
It looks like its coming along really good. Good luck.
P.S. Loved the miniboss theme on your blog.
Fun fact: I use the same percussion kit that Megaman X uses.
Everything is coming out nicely. Keep up the great work. I love your business card, it simple yet unique. I had a question what does the Chinese/Japanese letters mean?
Kaikimi is the meaning of my name in english translated to japanese.
It means world ruler. I always kinda liked it so i decided to stick with it.
That's so cool, It's an unique yet stylish name. Awesome so does to symbol mean Kaikimi, cool.