That's looking great.
If your looking for some coverart or promo art that's drawing (with a pencil and with a tablet) then I may be your man. I don't want any money (duh) I just want to get involved and draw with purpose. (Too many sketches....) You are better than me, but if you have something I could do, that would be great.
Just to let you all know what I'm doing at the moment.
I'm working on a modular animation system for my large bosses.
Sadly enough there aren't that many examples of it in gm6 or 7. Lucky for me though, I got someone from the gmc who made a working bone animation system to send me their source code, so now i actually have something to work off of!
Not too much to mention on the other sides of things though.
Been working out some kinks in the level editor setting the background's hspeed.
Haven't really touched the main engine in a while either.
working at a software development company sucks when you actually program as a hobby, it always seems to drain you at the end of the day...:X
I'm almost finished with my level editor and I've gotten the sprites for the first boss done!
it's amazing what a boring day at the office can accomplish :>
![[Image: Farnsworth.jpg]](
![[Image: ffscreenie-new01.png]](
After working on it all day today I finally have the level editor integrated into Frostfire's main engine.
Now I can make levels and actually test them in the engine with the npcs and player :>
I've also got a bit of my on the fly entity creation done so that's all that's left to add to the editor :>
Once that's done I can start back on working on the creative side of the game (tile sheets, sprites, music, etc.) :>
Well I am happy to announce that the FrostFire level editor is finally reached it's first complete beta!
Any further changes to the level editor will be purely on an "add-on" basis.
You may be asking "What does this mean?"
It means I can finally move on to designing levels, spriting npcs, making background objects, and generally just umm... designing the game!
You can expect a lot of progress posts from this point forward, because it's smoooooooth sailing now.

I've seen some conflicting screenshots so I have to ask:
Is this going to be viewed at 1x or 2x?
Either if you want. I'll have an option for it in the initial setup like spelunky has for it's setup.
By default though, it's meant to be 2x.
Hey, just to let you know, I've been following FrostFire since way before I left tSR last time, and I must say, the sprites are simply wonderful. Although a lot of the appeal was how nice you made them look whilst still being unshaded. :s
Thanks, i think I've finally decided to just go with the unshaded ones since they look rather nice with the black outline made by the engine. It also distinguishes them from the background quite a bit. Even though the shaded ones have more depth and detail, I've grown to like the unshaded ones. Plus it also saves me quite a bit of time animation wise.
Alright so now that the creative part is starting, I'm gonna show off some enemy designs now.
The first enemy I will show off is the cuddlebear C:
dawwww isn't it cuuuuute? you just wanna run right up to it and give it a big ol' huggy wuggy dontcha? I mean just look at that little tummy it's sooo cute!
...or is it...?
![[Image: cuddlebeargif-1.gif]](
don't let looks decive you, make one wrong move and this cute wittle thing won't hesitate to take serious chunk out of your behind.
lmao I love where the mouth is.
Well good news, I'm working on programming and animating the first boss now. Hoping to have all it's animations done by the end of the week. I've also practically got all the tiles done for the second level that'll be in the demo. things are coming along quite nicely :>
(04-01-2010, 10:40 AM)Kaikimi Wrote: [ -> ]Well good news, I'm working on programming and animating the first boss now. Hoping to have all it's animations done by the end of the week. I've also practically got all the tiles done for the second level that'll be in the demo. things are coming along quite nicely :>
Awesome, I can't wait to see them animated and programmed. Do you by any chance have any new sprites of this project laying around? Also Happy B-Day even though is a little late but yeah, better late than never.
Also, this is just awesome.
![[Image: cuddlebear.png]](
![[Image: cuddlebeargif-1.gif]](
I can't wait to see how he would walk in the game, something really cute at first and when you get close to it he starts running toward you in an all creepy, I'm going to eat you kind of way would fit perfectly with this wittle guy.
Well I have a ton of new sprites, I just don't wanna show them off yet. I'd rather let them all be shown at once when the demo is released.
Fun fact though, I foresee a fully playable demo coming out by this summer(possibly July or august). That's my estimated time of getting
1. the tiles for the first dungeon done.
2. all the enemies and npcs sprites for the demo done.
3. all the tiles for the areas playable done.
4. all the entities for the npcs,objects,items and enemies scripted.
5. all the dialogue written.
6. the first boss completed and animated.
7. getting all the players actions programmed.
8. getting all the cut scenes scripted.
9. all the levels designed.
10. all of the first dungeon designed.
11. all of the music and sfx finished for the demo
Oh, and to add on to that list... just ran into a bit of a problem with my level editor so now i have to rewrite a lot of code to save levels.
Apparently making levels larger than 2000x2000 causes massive load time wait, so I'm trying to make the process go a little faster.