If any of you remember me i didnt have to much of a good start here with people acting like jerks for no reason, yes if any of you are reading this im apologizing for what ever little thing it might have been that offended you. Though in my defence I would say that you people wearnt very welcoming to any of the ideas I had wich I thought was odd considering how this place is supposed to be one oppend to the ideas of the members. Once again to thos people that for what ever strange reason who were offended I say sorry. I hope this time we can atleast get along better.

Welcome back.
Everyone deserves a second chance.
Thanks for the welcome.

I'd like to mention that saying "sorry for whatever i did i dont knwo what it was but you guys are jerks for no reason and you guys are supposed to be nice" doesn't sound like a sincere appology, but oh well, welcome back?
Well thats not how i was trying to sound.
Embrace the darkness with in. You know there is no hiding from your other self. It will follow you like your shadow. Trailing behind you. Watching waiting. So says I shadow lord Giratina.
no idea who the hell you are don't really care no offense
hi im that guy you hated. i dont know why u hated me but im back. lol