There's a rumor floating around that Sonic is gonna be playable in Super Mario Galaxy 2
Thoughts, comments, rage, complaints, etc.?
Well I call bullshit, but hey it could happen.
I really doubt this. just...
...yeah. what.
(02-05-2010, 06:03 PM)Angelglory Wrote: [ -> ]Sonic is gonna be playable in Super Mario Galaxy 2
![[Image: 1264032822124.jpg]](
Most of Sonic's end battles happen in space. Nintendo now own Sonic under the flagship SEGA. I wouldn't be surprised at a cameo. If he was actually that WOULD be interesting.
I'll indulge this rumor real or not. Cause fuck if Super Mario Bro's Z's taught me anything is that Super Sonic and Super Mario make excellent battle buddies.
Nintendo's better at making Sonic anyway.
That's nearly as ridiculous as the Gears of War guys being in a capcom game... oh wait.
Cross promotion is big these days. Expect Solid Snake to cameo in No More Heroes 3 next year.
What I'm betting is that Sonic is the final boss. He'd eat all the chaos emeralds in a breakfast cereal and burp out a new galaxy full of Sonic fan OC's that all simultaneously say "YOU'RE TOO SLOW!!!" and it busts your speakers every time you boot up the game. Yes, even when you mute it.
If it were to happen, I wouldn't rage or anything. It would probably be something I could get used to. After all, it could be worse.
I heard a rumour that Sonic 4 might be good. Now THAT is crazy!
(02-05-2010, 09:49 PM)A.J. Nitro Wrote: [ -> ]If it were to happen, I wouldn't rage or anything. It would probably be something I could get used to. After all, it could be worse.
![[Image: mario___sonic_at_the_olympic_winter_game...00x300.jpg]](
I always wanted a REAL game with Mario and Sonic... Too bad that's never gonna happen.