this isn't a console
this is one of those fuckin cheap ass plug and play ripoff things
but instead, it's by sega
way to look desperate, sega
Oh Sega... You attention whore.
Koopaul could make a better console than that.
PS: Koopaul, make a better console than that.
But its not a console...

Its just SEGA trying to sell their old games in a box.
Sega makes loads of crap like this. There was one which actually accepted the old carts - which was pretty cool. But it was also pricey.
But you know, read your source before posting...
Why would SEGA allow the makers of that shitty Zone 40 thing to make this. It says they're adding 30 games of their own I guess... I can only guess what those will be like
(02-06-2010, 01:05 AM)Goemar Wrote: [ -> ]But you know, read your source before posting...
look at the image though.
Wireless Gaming CONSOLE. :c
unless you're referring to something else in which case idk.
It looks like a black Xbox with black Wii controllers.
anyone hear of the Dreamcast 2?
idk what it is but its the hidden platform on sonic4 site
I wish it was April Fool's
I find it hard to believe you guys are calling this a serious console. Its probably just one of those stupid plug and play arcade game things you buy at Walmart for 20 bucks except with some Sega games on it. Granted it has a lot more games on it then most of those, but still seriously guys?
i have a Wii that run nes catridges will post pics laters.
(02-06-2010, 07:02 AM)Subomi Wrote: [ -> ]idk what it is but its the hidden platform on sonic4 site
(02-06-2010, 01:13 PM)Shadowth117 Wrote: [ -> ]I find it hard to believe you guys are calling this a serious console. Its probably just one of those stupid plug and play arcade game things you buy at Walmart for 20 bucks except with some Sega games on it. Granted it has a lot more games on it then most of those, but still seriously guys?
rhymey is the only one who actually called it a console.
moderators, lock every thread that has "SEGA making consoles again?" or "SEGA back in the console business?" or something similar in its title or content. thanks in advance.