Ok, I'm turning my Wii back on when this comes out in the UK.
I heard about this. I'm pretty excited.
grabbing this tomorrow

Retro gaming brought back with sweet shiny gritty polish. Loving it. Getting it. End of Discussion.
Looks like it stays loyal to the gameplay style of the original, and rather than being a carbon copy of the original with spruced up graphics, it actually does its own thing, at least in some areas from what I can see. Freakin' sweeeeeeeeeeeet!

I was so pumped when I heard this. The original Blaster Master rocks!
I loved the others when I was young, looking forward to this.
looks awesome. how much is it?
around 800 wii points i believe
Damn Wiiware. Contra, Castlevania, Contra, Gradius and this need to get there ass over to the PSN...
Anyone else think that the main character being named Alex isn't a coincidence?
If an explanation is needed, Alex was the name for Jason's friend in the Worlds of Power book whose pet was also a boss (the lobster I think).