and you begin to travel to the cave the man who requested you told you of.Upon finding the cave you notice a sign on the door that you are unable to read so you continue on with you quest and open the large steel door. Upon entering the cave you notice it is dimly lit with holes in the ceiling. The air is damp and every breath you take feels. You light you torch and look on, There are to paths. One leads left and the other leads right. You: 1)Take the left path 2)Take the right path 3)Further investigate the room you're in.
Investigate the room I'm in!!
(02-08-2010, 11:51 PM)Arthur Wrote: [ -> ]Investigate the room I'm in!!
You decided to investigate the room. Better safe then sorry. Upon closer examination the only more you notice are the puddles of accumulated water droplets dripping from the holes in the ceiling and a couple of mice scurrying about in search of food. You decide this room is of no importance and you'd best continue on to finish the deed you've been asked to do. You: 1)Take the left path 2)Take the right path
turn around and smoke a bowl
(02-08-2010, 11:58 PM)Robbydude Wrote: [ -> ]turn around and smoke a bowl
As Robbydude enters the room Arthur is in he takes a huge rip of his amazing stone bowl encrusted with an emerald pot leaf and built only for a king. He then blows a massive comet of smoke then grasps Arthurs shoulder and nods a sign of acceptance and protection. Robbydude and Arthur: 1)Take the left path 2)Take the right path
(02-09-2010, 12:07 AM)Africa Wrote: [ -> ]no!!!!!!!!!!
Africa steps in now and joins Arthur and Robbydude in there quest. She nods a sign of acceptance and protection. Arthur, Robbydude, and Africa: 1)Take the left path 2)Take the right path
edit: I drag the two of them down the left path.

I said the left.

(02-09-2010, 12:11 AM)TomGuycott Wrote: [ -> ]B) Take a shit.
Tom Guycott enters the room where Robbydude and Africa are waiting to decide which path to take as Arthur wanders off onto the left path. You nod a sign of acceptance and protection as you squat and takin a shit with Robbydude and Africa watching in horror. Arthur walks into a large room with a door straight ahead. Robbydude, Africa,and Tom Guycott: 1)Take the left path 2)Take the right path. Arthur: 1)Investgates the room 2)Goes to open the door and continue on
i kinda want in this since i like cyoas
(02-09-2010, 12:13 AM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]3) go down the middle
Vipershark enters the room where Tom Guycott is squating taking a shit as Robbydude and Africa are being dragged down the left path. Vipershark grasps Tom's shoulder and nods a sign of acceptance and protection and breaks a wall down with his fist to make middle passage. He mets up with Arthur, Robbyude, and Africa in a room with a door straight ahead. Arthur, Robbydude, Africa, and Vipershark: 1)Investigate the room 2)Open the door and continue on. Tom Guycott: 1)Takes the left path 2)Takes the right path