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Full Version: Holy Fuckalopogus
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a 12 yr old girl wanted to sext me. ewwy.
i bet you did it anyways
whats her #
"hy bby wnt 2 put ur big boy stik into my poon nd mov a' lot" - the girl, to moonstalker
sorry that was me
can i have her number don't be greedy
This is the hottest thread in spamhaul. Ever.
(02-09-2010, 02:58 PM)TomGuycott Wrote: [ -> ]This is the hottest thread in spamhaul. Ever.
obviously someone missed the nit's dick thread
Clearly I have. LINK!!!
lol that thread isn't around anymore

nitty posted a picture of his dick

happened here and at pt a few times
(02-09-2010, 03:01 PM)TomGuycott Wrote: [ -> ]Clearly I have. LINK!!!

[Image: linkv.png]
oh my god just stop
she asked how big I was. i said bigger than you. and she stopped.

she's jealous. Cool
so how big are you
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