02-11-2010, 02:44 AM
DOWNLOAD HERE: http://s4.zetaboards.com/mkfusion/topic/7923065
Hello, perhaps some of you already know about this huge fan game, perhaps not, but since we found a very nice and warm community here, we'd like to have a small thread in here just to show the game's updates as they come and keep you informed if you're interested
What is Mushroom Kingdom Fusion?
MKF, as we call it, is a huge crossover game with an unique plot developed by video game fans like you and me (well, not really, most of them can code). It features playable characters with very different gameplay modes like Mario, Wario, Sonic, Protoman, Link, etc., going through platforming-based levels based on their own franchises and many others as well, like DOOM, Halo, Castlevania, Contra, etc.
Well.. this is a very quick summary, perhaps you should see it yourself in a video-review a gamer, Snark, made about the game here:
The game currently has a lot of different playable/planned characters; some of them are already in the game, some still are not, but they are planned and being developed as well!:
Main characters, with an important role in the game's plot:
Arthur (from Ghosts 'n Goblins)
Roll (Mega Man's sister)
Samus Aran (not playable yet)
Kirby (not playable yet)
Extra characters, taking little or no part in the game's plot:
Simon Belmont - still WIP
Proto Man
Vile (from Mega Man X)
Ryu Hayabusa (from Ninja Gaiden) - Very early stages, still a WIP
Classic Mario (SMB1 Mario)
Classic Luigi
And more that aren't playable still, like Waluigi and Firebrand for example.
MKF is basically just a platforming game, but each character has a very different gameplay system. The gameplay is mostly based on a mix of Super Mario Bros 2, SMB3, SMW (platforming, pick veggies, grab objects, save an item in a box, etc.). But, most characters got their own gameplay systems heavily modified to fit the Mario's gameplay. Perhaps the only thing most characters share is their ability to find and grab different power ups, even weapons.
Mario and Luigi for example, while having the most basic platforming skills, have the biggest arsenal of power ups, different for each one, which goes from their old trademark ones like the Fire Flower, Raccoon Leaf, Super Cape, etc., to newer ones, like Mario's Blue Shell, and to a whole new set of power ups based on different games, like a Mega Man suit, a Bionic Commando power up, a Halo Spartan suit, etc.; hell, Luigi can even get the Street Fighter Guile's skills, and they have more to come.
Other characters, like Roll and Proto Man, have less suit upgrades, but they can find a whole arsenal of weapons from their own games, like Elec Man's beams, Skull Man's barrier, Snake Man's search snakes, etc.
This topic would get way too big if I explained each character's gameplay, lets just say they're almost all awesome and the developers' are trying to balance them as much as possible to make them fit the game without breaking it at all (which is harder than you think).
Worlds and Levels
The game currently has 11 planned worlds, each one with its own level list, features and world boss:
1- The Mushroom Kingdom: based on Mario's series.
2- Alternate Earth: real Earth, you can literally go through the world. It has semi-realistic levels based on games like Metal Slug (and many others).
3- World of 20XX-21XX: the Alternate Earth's future, Mega Man's homeworld.
4- The Demon Realm: a bloody and evil world which represents games like Doom, Castlevania, Ghouls n' Ghosts, etc.
5- Gehenna: original concept, used mostly for the game's plot, but can represent other games as well.
6- The Adventure's Domain: a fantasy-themed world, which can represent games like Lufia, Crystalis, Zelda, Final Fantasy, and many other games of this type.
7- Mobius: Sonic's homeworld. This world will represent mostly SEGA/Genesis's games.
8- Nintendo's Subspace: used for levels based on old classic Nintendo games, like Tetris, Kirby, etc.
9- The Edge of Beyond: world which contains and represents more futuristic and sci-fi universeses like Halo, Metroid, Gears of War, etc.
0- Twisted Reality: the final world.
-1- The Minus World: this one represents games that wouldn't fit in other worlds and other obscure games not many might know, like the DOS ones for example.
The playable characters will be found through the game's progress, and the extra characters, or "secret" ones, will have to be unlocked by means that won't be revealed at all. They are all playable in the current demos though.
What's MKF's current state?
MKF is still on its.. hmm lets not say early betas, but still beta stages. It already has over 50 or more playable levels, a lot of characters, and most bugs were already fixed or are currently being addressed.
This is a very big and fat game. It was developed using Game Maker 7, and lately we moved to Game Maker 8. The game is so fat it will devour most of your computer's resources while you play it and make you cry, oh and the current release will take like 15 minutes to load. If your computer is lamel, don't even try to download or play it, it will be so slow you won't enjoy it. Thank you!
BUT DON'T WORRY! The current release was still on GM7, but soon, don't ask for a date, we will release the one made on GM8, which (already tested), only takes 2 minutes to load the game. And the game's developers are currently (yes, right now, while you read) finding new ways to make the game use much less resources. Hopefully it will be able to be played in most average computers, so it's all good, but lets wait
The game is already playable, perhaps I exagerated a little, you should actually try and play it, it's awesome.
The current version is 0.31, you can download it here:
If you want to know more about the game or follow it, visit our forums! And our Youtube channel here:
Oh by the way, the game has 100% customizable music, AND SPRITES! Yes, you can skin whatever character you want by replacing its sprites in the external files with your own. Here's an example:
(the video was recorded on a very old beta, much has changed since then)
Game Developers / Credits
Dev Team:
*JudgeSpear (founder, coder, level designer, retired)
*Obreck2 (acting leader, coder, level designer)
*Lars Luron (level designer,spriter,coder)
*Shodian (coder, character designer, level designer)
*Del (spriter, tester, "various")
*AuraLancer (level designer, coder)
*Riverroad (level designer, coder)
*DC Hunk (spriter)
*Pouncer26 (level designer)
*Weird_Bananas (level designer)
*Hello (engine creator, level designer, coder, honorary member)
*NO Body (spriter)
*Xavier_Genisi (level designer)
Also other innactive members, and lets not forget the whole community following and contributing this project!
The game has been being developed for a couple years (more if you count its predecesors), so, almost every aspect of the game is already planned or being revised (not everything is definitive), but the game developers are very strict about this. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but no more characters or levels suggestions. Our suggestions forums are closed as well
Anyway, in this topic I'll try to post updates and news about the game, this is a very nice community indeed, I hope you like it! This is a game made by fans, for fans!
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions (prudent ones), critics, feedback, it's all welcome
Alright that's it, lets see the updates now!
1- King Boo's battle: This will be the boss fight for Banshee Broadwalk, a level in World 1. By: Shodian
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APWquoOTHo8
And you can get King Boo's sprites in our TSR's section too! Thanks for that
2- Sky Garden: A level based on the SNES game Illusion of Gaia, for World 6. The tilesets and enemies' sprites/coding, and the level as well, were all made by Lars Luron. This level has enemies from various games, it even has a few from Pokemon, like Bronzor, which will reflect every almost single ranged attack you use against him.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bArxriIKrk
3- Savage Stretch: A level for the Mushroom Kingdom. It's one of the last ones, so its hard. By: Lars Luron.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQA5iY9rgUQ
4- Tiny/Huge island: Remember Super Mario Bros 3's World 4? The giant one? Well, this is a level based on it, with the old giant enemies, and even new ones, like huge bob-ombs, spinies, pipe plants, etc. (we will submit those sprites soon as well). Level design by: Shodian.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn80tAQjsh0
5- And last one for now: Antenora, a level based on GnG, for the Demon Realm. By: Obreck2, with Uncanny_valley's help on some enemies' coding.
No videos yet, but we got screenies!
![[Image: screenshot145-1.png]](http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c83/Obreck2/MKF/MKFScreens1/screenshot145-1.png)
![[Image: screenshot148-1.png]](http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c83/Obreck2/MKF/MKFScreens1/screenshot148-1.png)
Hello, perhaps some of you already know about this huge fan game, perhaps not, but since we found a very nice and warm community here, we'd like to have a small thread in here just to show the game's updates as they come and keep you informed if you're interested

What is Mushroom Kingdom Fusion?
MKF, as we call it, is a huge crossover game with an unique plot developed by video game fans like you and me (well, not really, most of them can code). It features playable characters with very different gameplay modes like Mario, Wario, Sonic, Protoman, Link, etc., going through platforming-based levels based on their own franchises and many others as well, like DOOM, Halo, Castlevania, Contra, etc.
Well.. this is a very quick summary, perhaps you should see it yourself in a video-review a gamer, Snark, made about the game here:
The game currently has a lot of different playable/planned characters; some of them are already in the game, some still are not, but they are planned and being developed as well!:
Main characters, with an important role in the game's plot:
Arthur (from Ghosts 'n Goblins)
Roll (Mega Man's sister)
Samus Aran (not playable yet)
Kirby (not playable yet)
Extra characters, taking little or no part in the game's plot:
Simon Belmont - still WIP
Proto Man
Vile (from Mega Man X)
Ryu Hayabusa (from Ninja Gaiden) - Very early stages, still a WIP
Classic Mario (SMB1 Mario)
Classic Luigi
And more that aren't playable still, like Waluigi and Firebrand for example.
MKF is basically just a platforming game, but each character has a very different gameplay system. The gameplay is mostly based on a mix of Super Mario Bros 2, SMB3, SMW (platforming, pick veggies, grab objects, save an item in a box, etc.). But, most characters got their own gameplay systems heavily modified to fit the Mario's gameplay. Perhaps the only thing most characters share is their ability to find and grab different power ups, even weapons.
Mario and Luigi for example, while having the most basic platforming skills, have the biggest arsenal of power ups, different for each one, which goes from their old trademark ones like the Fire Flower, Raccoon Leaf, Super Cape, etc., to newer ones, like Mario's Blue Shell, and to a whole new set of power ups based on different games, like a Mega Man suit, a Bionic Commando power up, a Halo Spartan suit, etc.; hell, Luigi can even get the Street Fighter Guile's skills, and they have more to come.
Other characters, like Roll and Proto Man, have less suit upgrades, but they can find a whole arsenal of weapons from their own games, like Elec Man's beams, Skull Man's barrier, Snake Man's search snakes, etc.
This topic would get way too big if I explained each character's gameplay, lets just say they're almost all awesome and the developers' are trying to balance them as much as possible to make them fit the game without breaking it at all (which is harder than you think).
Worlds and Levels
The game currently has 11 planned worlds, each one with its own level list, features and world boss:
1- The Mushroom Kingdom: based on Mario's series.
2- Alternate Earth: real Earth, you can literally go through the world. It has semi-realistic levels based on games like Metal Slug (and many others).
3- World of 20XX-21XX: the Alternate Earth's future, Mega Man's homeworld.
4- The Demon Realm: a bloody and evil world which represents games like Doom, Castlevania, Ghouls n' Ghosts, etc.
5- Gehenna: original concept, used mostly for the game's plot, but can represent other games as well.
6- The Adventure's Domain: a fantasy-themed world, which can represent games like Lufia, Crystalis, Zelda, Final Fantasy, and many other games of this type.
7- Mobius: Sonic's homeworld. This world will represent mostly SEGA/Genesis's games.
8- Nintendo's Subspace: used for levels based on old classic Nintendo games, like Tetris, Kirby, etc.
9- The Edge of Beyond: world which contains and represents more futuristic and sci-fi universeses like Halo, Metroid, Gears of War, etc.
0- Twisted Reality: the final world.
-1- The Minus World: this one represents games that wouldn't fit in other worlds and other obscure games not many might know, like the DOS ones for example.
The playable characters will be found through the game's progress, and the extra characters, or "secret" ones, will have to be unlocked by means that won't be revealed at all. They are all playable in the current demos though.
What's MKF's current state?
MKF is still on its.. hmm lets not say early betas, but still beta stages. It already has over 50 or more playable levels, a lot of characters, and most bugs were already fixed or are currently being addressed.
This is a very big and fat game. It was developed using Game Maker 7, and lately we moved to Game Maker 8. The game is so fat it will devour most of your computer's resources while you play it and make you cry, oh and the current release will take like 15 minutes to load. If your computer is lamel, don't even try to download or play it, it will be so slow you won't enjoy it. Thank you!
BUT DON'T WORRY! The current release was still on GM7, but soon, don't ask for a date, we will release the one made on GM8, which (already tested), only takes 2 minutes to load the game. And the game's developers are currently (yes, right now, while you read) finding new ways to make the game use much less resources. Hopefully it will be able to be played in most average computers, so it's all good, but lets wait

The game is already playable, perhaps I exagerated a little, you should actually try and play it, it's awesome.
The current version is 0.31, you can download it here:
If you want to know more about the game or follow it, visit our forums! And our Youtube channel here:
Oh by the way, the game has 100% customizable music, AND SPRITES! Yes, you can skin whatever character you want by replacing its sprites in the external files with your own. Here's an example:
(the video was recorded on a very old beta, much has changed since then)
Game Developers / Credits
Dev Team:
*JudgeSpear (founder, coder, level designer, retired)
*Obreck2 (acting leader, coder, level designer)
*Lars Luron (level designer,spriter,coder)
*Shodian (coder, character designer, level designer)
*Del (spriter, tester, "various")
*AuraLancer (level designer, coder)
*Riverroad (level designer, coder)
*DC Hunk (spriter)
*Pouncer26 (level designer)
*Weird_Bananas (level designer)
*Hello (engine creator, level designer, coder, honorary member)
*NO Body (spriter)
*Xavier_Genisi (level designer)
Also other innactive members, and lets not forget the whole community following and contributing this project!
The game has been being developed for a couple years (more if you count its predecesors), so, almost every aspect of the game is already planned or being revised (not everything is definitive), but the game developers are very strict about this. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but no more characters or levels suggestions. Our suggestions forums are closed as well

Anyway, in this topic I'll try to post updates and news about the game, this is a very nice community indeed, I hope you like it! This is a game made by fans, for fans!
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions (prudent ones), critics, feedback, it's all welcome

Alright that's it, lets see the updates now!
1- King Boo's battle: This will be the boss fight for Banshee Broadwalk, a level in World 1. By: Shodian
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APWquoOTHo8
And you can get King Boo's sprites in our TSR's section too! Thanks for that

2- Sky Garden: A level based on the SNES game Illusion of Gaia, for World 6. The tilesets and enemies' sprites/coding, and the level as well, were all made by Lars Luron. This level has enemies from various games, it even has a few from Pokemon, like Bronzor, which will reflect every almost single ranged attack you use against him.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bArxriIKrk
3- Savage Stretch: A level for the Mushroom Kingdom. It's one of the last ones, so its hard. By: Lars Luron.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQA5iY9rgUQ
4- Tiny/Huge island: Remember Super Mario Bros 3's World 4? The giant one? Well, this is a level based on it, with the old giant enemies, and even new ones, like huge bob-ombs, spinies, pipe plants, etc. (we will submit those sprites soon as well). Level design by: Shodian.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn80tAQjsh0
5- And last one for now: Antenora, a level based on GnG, for the Demon Realm. By: Obreck2, with Uncanny_valley's help on some enemies' coding.
No videos yet, but we got screenies!
![[Image: screenshot145-1.png]](http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c83/Obreck2/MKF/MKFScreens1/screenshot145-1.png)
![[Image: screenshot148-1.png]](http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c83/Obreck2/MKF/MKFScreens1/screenshot148-1.png)