Except not all people have a huge Widesceen TV with HD capabilities, Viper
Even if they did have that it's still pretty annoying to try and see what the hell you are doing because the split screen pretty much makes everything smaller.
(02-23-2010, 03:40 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]not to mention that even on 4 player splitcreen, where you could only see a fourth of the original viewing area, worked just fine before.
Not to mention that TVs were also smaller then, so it was still harder to see.
Yet it still worked.
Yeah, but you see, with the introduction of a better way to play your game with multiplayer and still see 100% of your screen, people are obviously going to downplay local multiplayer. Especially those with SDTVs, unless they have big screens.
And even still, the whole "screen watchers" thing still applies. Online play is just generally more convenient as a whole.
(02-23-2010, 02:23 PM)drakion Wrote: [ -> ]too bad its for xbox
also too bad it don,t support four players multiplayer offine, it could work well on wii
Where does this "doesn't support four player multiplayer offline" business come from? I clearly saw 4-player splitscreen in the trailer.
Also, in the split-screen vs online argument, there's a time and place for both, I really like having the ability to HAVE both, personally. And I do screen peek when I really wanna grate my friends' nerves, but they do the same to me first.

i see
can you show the trailer for me?
(02-23-2010, 03:47 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ] (02-23-2010, 03:40 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]not to mention that even on 4 player splitcreen, where you could only see a fourth of the original viewing area, worked just fine before.
Not to mention that TVs were also smaller then, so it was still harder to see.
Yet it still worked.
Yeah, but you see, with the introduction of a better way to play your game with multiplayer and still see 100% of your screen, people are obviously going to downplay local multiplayer. Especially those with SDTVs, unless they have big screens.
And even still, the whole "screen watchers" thing still applies. Online play is just generally more convenient as a whole.
you seem to be forgetting that SDTV's were pretty much the norm for most of the last two generations, so those who still use them would see no effects from using a console on thsi generation.
(02-23-2010, 04:18 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ] (02-23-2010, 03:47 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ] (02-23-2010, 03:40 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]not to mention that even on 4 player splitcreen, where you could only see a fourth of the original viewing area, worked just fine before.
Not to mention that TVs were also smaller then, so it was still harder to see.
Yet it still worked.
Yeah, but you see, with the introduction of a better way to play your game with multiplayer and still see 100% of your screen, people are obviously going to downplay local multiplayer. Especially those with SDTVs, unless they have big screens.
And even still, the whole "screen watchers" thing still applies. Online play is just generally more convenient as a whole.
you seem to be forgetting that SDTV's were pretty much the norm for most of the last two generations, so those who still use them would see no effects from using a console on thsi generation.
have you played a game of this gen on an SDTV?
games like Dead Space and MGS4 have difficult-to-impossible-to-read text and the visuals are generally blurry and washy
and i know this because i was stuck playing my PS3 on an SDTV for about two months
I helped my friend find this game again.
Since the gamestops here don't sell N64 games I took him to the Toy vault that just sells old toys and games and stuff in general and well they had a copy of Perfect Dark for sell.
Never played this game but I've heard from many people that it was a good game.
Also I guess you could say that I have an SDTV because I know for sure that it isn't HD, but honestly I can still tell that the graphics are better then the Playstation 2 Graphics and I still get the full effects without it looking shiny to goddamned hell like most HDTVs portray them. On HDTV basically graphics are just clearer (not by much compared to my TV anyway) and shinier. If anything I think I'll stick with my TV thankyouverymuch.
you know what's going to be a total bitch when the game comes out and has X-Box Live multiplayer deathmatch?
the Farsight
speaking of which, I loved the Slayer in Perfect Dark. Fly-by-wire owned
also the Reaper is literally the best idea for a gun ever
second being the Laptop Gun
(02-23-2010, 04:38 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ] (02-23-2010, 04:18 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ] (02-23-2010, 03:47 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ] (02-23-2010, 03:40 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]not to mention that even on 4 player splitcreen, where you could only see a fourth of the original viewing area, worked just fine before.
Not to mention that TVs were also smaller then, so it was still harder to see.
Yet it still worked.
Yeah, but you see, with the introduction of a better way to play your game with multiplayer and still see 100% of your screen, people are obviously going to downplay local multiplayer. Especially those with SDTVs, unless they have big screens.
And even still, the whole "screen watchers" thing still applies. Online play is just generally more convenient as a whole.
you seem to be forgetting that SDTV's were pretty much the norm for most of the last two generations, so those who still use them would see no effects from using a console on thsi generation.
have you played a game of this gen on an SDTV?
games like Dead Space and MGS4 have difficult-to-impossible-to-read text and the visuals are generally blurry and washy
and i know this because i was stuck playing my PS3 on an SDTV for about two months
yes, and that's the developer's fault for making the text readable only on HD sets and not including an SDTV mode. Dead Rising suffers from the same problem.
the laptop gun is one of the best guns ever made for a fps.
(02-23-2010, 07:03 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]yes, and that's the developer's fault for making the text readable only on HD sets and not including an SDTV mode. Dead Rising suffers from the same problem.
the current generation is the "HD" generation
everything is built for 720p+
it's no one's fault but the people who make the fucken tvs, because they influence the developers in their decision on how big to make the game's resolution
(02-24-2010, 11:19 AM)lay face down on the ground Wrote: [ -> ] (02-23-2010, 07:03 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]yes, and that's the developer's fault for making the text readable only on HD sets and not including an SDTV mode. Dead Rising suffers from the same problem.
the current generation is the "HD" generation
everything is built for 720p+
it's no one's fault but the people who make the fucken tvs, because they influence the developers in their decision on how big to make the game's resolution
I personally use an HDTV for my 360 (I've only used it on an SDTV once, and with a game that didn't suffer from the text problems and whatever and completely hated it) but don't most games have an SDTV setting? Or at least the 360 itself?
They have a lower resolution setting. Not an SDTV setting. You can still use normal cables but it'll look like shit, be washed out, and most text will be unreadable-- like I said earler.
Whenever my boyfriend brings his 360 to my house and use the lower resolution cord, it really doesn't come out to be washed out and the text was fine (Mass Effect 2 anyone?)
So I guess what I'm really saying is that it depends on the type of SDTV. On the TV in my mom's and sister's room then yeah the graphics wouldn't look as good but at the TV in the living room it's pretty damned good.
It's not every game, but the couple that suffer from it are hair-rippingly annoying.