Boys, girls and strange things that lurks around tSR: I'm traveling tomorrow (25) to Italy and I'll be back by March 11. No, I'm not buying you guys anything :p
So, behave (or not)
Can't you just compress time and have that take up no time at all?
Sure you'd destroy the entire space-time continuum; but then we wouldn't miss you.

Ah, alright! I hope you have a good time!

I've never been to Europe, but I've always wanted to go at least once. Have fun there!
GrooveMan: Nah, too much trouble and those pesky SeeD would think I'm up to no good again and try to beat me up. I'm on vacations, not on duty :p And don't worry, I'll be back soon ;p
Dex: Thx!
Shadowth117: And I've never been to Florida (or US for that matter). Cya
To all the others, ciao XD
Have a great trip. Come back safely.
Well, I'm back! I bet you barely missed me :p
(02-24-2010, 10:11 PM)A.J. Nitro Wrote: [ -> ]Have a great trip. Come back safely.
exactly what I'd say, so I'm quoting it~~