![[Image: Entry.png]](http://i822.photobucket.com/albums/zz142/CardApp/Entry.png)
Something for a give a way type thing. Just Lickilicky and Drifblim and two trainers beneath it in a battle esque scene. Spent all day on this. I know his tongue is kinda odd :X
![[Image: Pokemon-12.png]](http://i822.photobucket.com/albums/zz142/CardApp/Pokemon-12.png)
Just drifloon
![[Image: cshadmilorb.png]](http://ivnbvn.com/pixels/cshadmilorb.png)
Milotic in a Pokemon R/B/G esque style. I kinda made it look more like a dragon by making it more serpent/scaly/slender like.
The first one is excellent! Overall, nice job, man.
since the tongue is a wet thing, you could give it some shine.
Thats how Pokemon battles should look in the game; with seperate animations (and more than 2 sprites) and a picture of both trainers!
A few mockups I made a few days ago for fun. Whaddoya think?
These are pretty damn cool, I've never seen a custom Pokemon Backsprite.
Just out of curiosity, is this for anything? I remember your Milotic and thought maybe this might be a fangame of sorts?
The backsprites are out of style since they resemble the pokemon
But im agreeing with norsk, pretty damn cool
Damn!!! These are awesome!!! the trainer seems to be missing a eye because of the shadow

Whoa it be so cool if someone made a game using that!
(03-05-2010, 07:57 PM)R2rAronzoDesu Wrote: [ -> ]Whoa it be so cool if someone made a game using that!
I can make a game using the pokemon sprites if i get permision from Pokemon Training Aparatus

although i wont have that much of time. I might have like 1 hour a week
Nah thats fine, I'd rather just not use these for anything
Update. Made Honchkrow and Murkrow. What do you guys think?
I like the 'krows a lot, actually. they have that sort of first-gen weird exaggeration going on.
honestly I'd love to see more demakes in that style. the sprites were weird but they had a sort of charm that way.
Thanks Jovian, I'm still making more as it is :p
Not a newer generation pokemon line, but I thought it would be fun to do. Made some edits to Honckrow on top of remaking the Dragonite line. Any suggestions on whom to do next?
Awesome sprites. My favorite would have to be all the retro Pokemon from the 3rd and 4th generation, which I think you should do more of next. As for what specifically, maybe Cranidos?
I'd love to see a devamp of Ampharos. All the ones I've seen in the past have sucked, because there's quite a but to fit in.