Whenever I rip more I suppose, although PT has 20+ to put on, he just cant be bothered uploading them atm.
He's a bit busy reopening Pokemon Valley.
Where is the sprites?
Nice rips. There's tons of those sprites on a post. First huge list of sprites on a post is the first thing I've ever seen in my life.

There hasn;t been an update for a while.... where are the other sprites?T_T
I'm not sure how long they'll be tbh. I've got exams, along with no motivation to rip, but I will finish them someday. I know PT has a large amount of sprites left to post though.
You want motivation? Keep up the good work just like you did with the other ranger ones.
Please keep posting the Ranger sprites, haha. In need of them for my game ^^
Great job so far.
I'm so sorry for pissing you guys about, I promise I will finish this project.
Just getting everything I need back on my computer, expect sheets in the next few days.
Good stuff, Lemon did you get my pms?
I have a request for R-153 Togepi and R-154 Togetic ^^
Yup I emailed you back
I'll go find numbers now.
Let me pm you my email, I'd like to stay in touch ^^
To do:
[1819-1820 & ????] Togepi, Togetic & Togekiss [ICON]
[????-???? & ????-????] Tyrogue, Himonlee, Hitomchan & Hitmontop [ICON]
[???? & ????-????] Azurill, Marill & Azumarill [ICON]
[????] Blissey [ICON]
[????] Cleffa [ICON]
[????] Smoochum [ICON]
[????] Wobbufett [ICON]
[???? & ????] Chinling & Chimeco [ICON]
\m/ sweet list man, just the mon's I needed
Btw- I thought not all Pokemons were in Pokemon Ranger, like Chansey and Clefairy.